
Alkaline Earth Metals

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  • Which Group are they in?
    Group 2
  • How do you know if a solution is Alkaline or not? With Litmus test
    Red Litmus turns Blue
  • What is a PH Scale? Explain
    Explain 0-14
  • Name the first three Elements in the Group?
    Beryllium, Magnesium and Calcium
  • What can you say about reactivity as you go down the group?
    It increases
  • Symbol of Magnesium
  • How does a Magnesium ribbon react in water?
    Very slowly, it had to be heated to fasten the reaction
  • Symbol of Calcium
  • How do you know if a solution is an Acid, using purple cabbage juice?
    It turns red
  • How does Calcium react with water? What gas is given out? How do you test it?
    Very Vigorously. Hydrogen gas. Pop Sound