
Revision T4 Term 1

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  • He ___________ like playing football, but now he plays twice a week! (used to)
    didn't use to
  • He ______________ an essay when his computer crashed and he lost all his work! (write)
    was writing
  • Schools have had to ________ up with some creative ideas this year so that students can continue learning.
  • I _______________ on Instagram that much anymore because I prefer other apps.(go)
    don't go
  • My boss shouts are everyone! He _________ everyone doing exactly what he says. (used to)
    is used to
  • ____ you _________ speaking Japanese everyday yet? It must be so strange! (used to)
    Have you got used to
  • I can hardly hear what anyone is saying! Can you ________ the TV up?
  • If I don't know the answer I always ________ it up on google.
  • He's such a liar! All his stories are completely ______ up! None of it is true.
  • No more horror films for me for a while! That last one ______ the _____ out of me!
    frightened the life
  • I missed the start of the film so I ___________ the opening scene of the film. (see)
    didn't see
  • I will never __________ eating dinner so early, even if I live here for 20 years! (used to)
    get used to
  • They ____________ in the river when it began to rain. (swim)
    were swimming
  • The moment I realised I left my baby on the bus, my ______ ______ cold!
    blood ran