
B2 Review Unit 8-9

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  • Choose the correct option to complete: You will notice (on / to / by) this chart how big our market share has beome.
  • a company's main area of work - c... a....
    core activities
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: My colleague is expecting (somebody to promote her).
    My colleague is expecting (to be promoted).
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: I feel that (somebody is not telling us) the whole story.
    I feel that (we are not being told) the whole story.
  • based in a foreign country - o... l...
    offshore locations
  • WORD FORM: The verb from 'operation'
  • people with the training and experience to do a job well - s...w...
    skilled workers
  • H L T Y?
    How's life treating you?
  • WORD FORM: The noun form 'manage'
    management / manager
  • collocation - free up r...
  • WORD FORM: The noun from 'satisfy'
  • W H Y B U T?
    What have you been up to?
  • COMPLETE: I wanted a c_______ of d______ so I quit my job.
    change of direction
  • S M T D
    Send me the details.
  • REORDER: fifty he was retirement when took early He
    He was fifty when he took early retirement. / He took early retirement when he was fifty.
  • collocation - improve q..of...l
    quality of life
  • Choose the correct option to complete: Let's turn our attention (from / to / on) the drawbacks involved.
  • In case they offered you a job, would you accept it?
    Supposing/ If they offered...
  • collocation - develop s...
  • C Y P M I T W....?
    Could you put me in touch with .....?
  • As long we hit the targets, we will get our bonuses.
    As long as we....
  • We can offer you a discount in case you buy 10,000 units. as long as / if / provided / you buy
  • A Y S....?
    Are you still....?
  • Change the next sentence to the passive: Somebody had broken into my flat.
    My flat had been broken into.
  • You can go home early tonight in case we get all this work done.
    ... tonight provided / if / as long as we....
  • I H S Y F A
    I haven't see you for ages.
  • Choose the correct option to complete: This resulted (to / for / in) huge financial losses.
  • Choose the correct option to complete: Let's consider financing the project, which I referred (to / about / of) earlier.
  • Can you give us a telephone number provided there's a problem.
    ... number in case there's a problem.
  • SPEAK: Talk about your career prospects
    Answers will vary
  • B T W, C Y D M A F?
    By the way, could you do me a favour?
  • She won't get promoted as long as she smashes the glass ceiling.
    .... promoted unless she...
  • Choose the correct option to complete: This relates back (for / at / to) the point I made earlier.
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: When I finally arrived to the conference, (someone was putting away the chairs).
    When I finally arrived to the conference, (the chairs were being put away).
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: I don't like (people telling me) what to do.
    I don't like (being told) what to do.
  • W W T L T W S E O?
    When was the last time we saw each other?
  • W A Y D H?
    What are you doing here?
  • If they will offer me early retirement, I'll take it.
    If they offer me....
  • knowledge or skills provided by an external supplier - o... e...
    outside expertise
  • Change the next sentence to the passive: Somebody has lost all my important files.
    All my important files have been lost.
  • nearer to where you are based - c..t.h...
    closer to home
  • I L T H F Y
    It's lovely to hear from you
  • Choose the correct option to complete: To illustrate this, let's have a look (on / at / to) this chart.
  • She'll get the job, if she does will in her interview.
    ...job (no comma) if she does well...
  • collocation - lead to j...l....
    job losses
  • basic systems like transport that a country needs to work properly - i...
  • collocation - take c...c...m
    cost-cutting measures
  • an increase in products sold abroad - e...g...
    export growth
  • part of a country's economy - s...
  • REORDER: company My likes to for look us professional opportunities development
    My company likes to look for professional development opportunites.
  • I think we should leave a little earlier provided there's a lot of traffic.
    .....earlier in case there's...
  • REORDER: off had to lay many staff company The
    The company had to lay many staff off / lay off many staff
  • SPEAK: Describe a job that gives job security.
    Answers will vary
  • companies that sell outsourcing services - o...v...
    outsourcing vendors
  • COMPLETE: It's not really a promotion, more a s_____ m________.
    sideways move
  • Please don't ask for time off during busy periods as long as it is a child care emergency.
    .... periods unless it is...
  • W A Y?
    What about you?
  • L T A T O D
    Let's talk about this/that over dinner.
  • collocation - gain a c...e...
    competitive edge
  • collocation - create j...
  • I N S I Y R M
    I'm not sure if you remember me.
  • I S L A I P
    It sounds like an interesting proposal.
  • collocation - achieve lower o....
  • COMPLETE: She wasn't made redundant, she was r___________ to a different department.
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: (They are sending me) to Shanghai for three months.
    (I'm being sent) to Shanghai for three months.
  • Choose the correct option to complete: To conclude, I'd like to leave you with some food (for / to / in) thought...
  • contracting a business task to an outside service provider - BPO
    business process outsourcing (BPO)
  • WORD FORM: The adjective from 'profit'
  • COMPLETE: Lucy's just got an a_________ with an engineering firm.
  • I C T A I
    I'll certainly think about it.
  • Choose the correct option to complete: A knock-on effect (of / to / on) this was...
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: (Somebody unveiled Microsoft's latest operating system) last month.
    (Microsoft's latest operating system was unveiled) last month.
  • collocation - streamline the o...
  • Change the next sentence to the passive: Somebody must have hacked into our computer system.
    Our computer system must have been hacked into.
  • Change the part in parentheses of the next sentence to the passive: After the games, (they will close the Olympic Village).
    After the games, (the Olympic Village will be closed).
  • places where people can learn new skills - t...f...
    training facilities
  • I'll work in Europe, if I'll have the opportunity.
    ... if I have..
  • Choose the correct option to complete: Due (for / to / from) the recent large increase...
  • T A T R W I C
    That's actually the reason why I'm calling.
  • when you find ways to cut your overheads - c..-s...
  • OPPOSITE: The opposite of 'employable'
  • collocation - get through a large v...of...w
    volume of work
  • Choose the correct option to complete: As a result (from / to / of) public criticism, we stopped our add campaign.
  • If he leaves now he might make the 4:30 train.
    .... leaves now, he might......