
Comparatives & Superlatives

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  • This flower is beautifuler than that one.
    This flower is more beautiful than that one.
  • You play tennis the better than I do.
    You play tennis better than I do.
  • The tiger is more heavy than a fox.
    The tiger is heavier than a fox.
  • Elephants are more bigger than bears
    Elephants are bigger than bears
  • This box is smaller the one I lost.
    This box is smaller than the one I lost.
  • She is more happy than her brother.
    She is happier than her brother.
  • The blue shirt is dirtier the green shirt.
    The blue shirt is dirtier than the green shirt.
  • French is difficult than English.
    French is more difficult than English.
  • I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even the farthest today.
    I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even farther today.
  • Which is the dangerousest animal in the world?
    Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?
  • Tommy is cleverer than Ben.
    Tommy is more clever than Ben.
  • My sister is gooder than my brother.
    My sister is better than my brother.
  • Today is the baddest day I've had in a long time.
    Today is the worst day I've had in a long time.
  • My house is more larger than hers.
    My house is larger than hers.
  • It is most interesting movie.
    It is the most interesting movie.
  • Your dog runs fastest than Jim's dog.
    Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog.
  • She's the most lucky girl in her family.
    She's the luckiest girl in her family.
  • My house is the larger one in our neighborhood.
    My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
  • This dress is the beautifulest in the shop.
    This dress is the most beautiful in the shop.
  • This is the interesting book I've ever read.
    This is the most interesting book I've ever read.
  • Your horse ran fastest of any horse in the race.
    Your horse ran the fastest of any horse in the race.
  • Non-smokers usually live longest than smokers.
    Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.