
Lesson 2 Test Review

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  • Why are planets round (spherical)?
    The gravity pulls the mass towards the center of the mass
  • What force pulled most of the matter to the center of the newly forming solar system?
  • Which model of the universe placed the sun in the middle of the solar system?
    Heliocentric Model
  • WHICH ONE? Larger objects with MORE MASS have...MORE or LESS gravity?
  • Is it possible for a planet to have more than one moon?
  • Name the four inner planets, from the sun outward:
    Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  • Which can be bigger, an asteroid or a meteor?
  • These are known as "shooting stars" as they streak across the sky in our atmosphere.
  • When a meteor travels through the earth's atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface, it's called...
    a meteorite
  • True or False: Pluto is the largest Dwarf planet.
    False...(Eris is slightly larger)
  • Why are the four outer planets called "The Gas Giants?"
    They are made primarily of gas.
  • What do the four outer planets have in common?
    They are all gaseous.
  • What is evidence on the surface of a planet that it has been hit by meteors?
  • Why is Venus the hottest?
    the thick atmosphere traps the heat like a blanket.
  • Which famous astronomer discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter?
    Galileo Galilee
  • True or False: Pluto is larger than the earth's moon.
    False, it's smaller than our moon.
  • Why do the sun and the moon appear to be the same size?
    The moon is so much closer to earth than the sun
  • What do the four inner planets all have in common?
    They all have rocky, solid surfaces.
  • What are the TWO FORCES that keep a planet orbiting a star?
    Gravity and Inertia
  • Which planet is the hottest?
  • What celestial body is formed from a swirling cloud of dust and gas?
    a star
  • Why is the Kuiper Belt so cold?
    It's so far away from the sun.
  • This space object is known as a "dirty snowball."
  • Which planet is the largest?
  • What celestial body was at the center of the geocentric model of the solar system?
    the earth
  • Which planet is the smallest?
  • What is the space object, made of rock or ice & rock, that orbits a planet?
    a moon
  • True or False: The moon is thought to be much younger than the earth.
    False...they are about the same age.
  • True or False: Ancient astronomers thought the earth did not rotate.
  • Why is it so difficult to have a scale model of the solar system?
    It's too big! There is so much empty space between the planets.
  • What space object is made of rock and ice and originates in the Kuiper Belt?
  • Between which two planets is the Asteroid Belt?
    Mars and Jupiter
  • What celestial body was at the center of the heliocentric model of the solar system?
    the sun
  • Name the four outer planets, from the sun outward:
    Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  • Which planet may have frozen water beneath its polar surface, and might support life?
  • Which can be bigger, an asteroid or a meteor?
  • Why does a comet have a tail?
    The frozen surface vaporizes into a gas.
  • Is it possible for a dwarf planet to have its own moon?
  • Why do we see meteors in the night sky?
    We see them burning up in our atmosphere.
  • What is the force that pulls bodies of mass towards each other?
  • When a smaller space object is "captured" by a planet, and it then orbits the planet, it becomes the planet's ____
  • What is the collection of asteriods located between Mars and Jupiter called?
    Asteroid Belt
  • Which model of the solar system placed the earth in the middle, and incorrectly stated that earth does not rotate?
  • What is unusual about a comet's orbit around the sun?
    It's extremely long and can take over 200 years (and it's elliptical)
  • What is a small, irregularly-shaped space object that is usually found between Mars and Jupiter?
  • Is it true that dwarf planets share their orbital path with other celestial objects?