
ASK Cards (Level 6)

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  • What are you most interested in now?
    I’m interested in ~.
  • What does your father/mother do?
    My father/mother is a/an…
  • What do your friends call you?
    My friends call me ….
  • Have you ever been to ~ ?
    Yes, I have been to ~. / No, I haven’t been to ~.
  • Have you ever seen ~ ?
    Yes, I have seen ~. / No, I haven’t seen ~.
  • How long does it take from your house to school?
    It takes ~ from my house to school.
  • Is bullying a problem at your school?
    Bullying is a problem at my school that needs to be addressed/ Bullying is not a problem at my school as far as I know.
  • What’s your blood type?
    My blood type is …
  • Is there anything you want to learn how to do?
    I want to learn how to_
  • What do you want to be in the future?
    I want to be a/an…
  • What’s your last name?
    My last name is…
  • Are you allergic to any food?
    Yes, I am allergic to ~. / No, I’m not allergic to any food.
  • If you were a billionaire, what would you do?
    If I was a billionaire, I would_
  • What’s your nationality?
  • Do you think recycling is important? Why?
    I think recycling is important because / I don’t think recycling is important because_
  • Which do you like better, ~ or…? Why?
    I like ~ better, because …
  • What do you usually do on ( Sundays~ Saturdays)?
    I usually …. on …. ( Sundays ~ Saturdays )
  • Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress? Why?
    My favorite _ is_ because_/_ is my favorite _ because_
  • How many languages do you want to speak? Which ones?
    I want to speak (2-3) languages. ( English, Japanese, and Korean)
  • What do you do?
    I’m a …
  • What are you good at?
    I’m good at ….
  • Have you ever tried _ ?
    Yes, I have tried _/ No, I’ve never tried _
  • Is it better to be an only child or have siblings? Why?
    I think it’s better to _ because _
  • Which holidays do you really like and why?
    I really like _ because
  • How do you go to school?
    I ~ to school.
  • If it were Sunday every day, what would you do?
    I would_
  • What super power would you like to have? Why?
    I would like to have _ because _
  • Are you a morning person or a night person?
    I’m a morning/night person.
  • What’s your first name?
    My first name is…
  • What are your hobbies?
    My hobby….
  • What is your favorite snack food?
    My favorite snack food is _