
Ancient Rome

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  • Were the Romans Polytheists or Monotheists?
    They were polytheists
  • Why the Romans called to Mediterranean Sea as "Mare Nostrum"?
    Because the Mediterranean sea was fundamental for them as a commerce and communication route.
  • What were the three groups which Roman society was mainly divided into?
    The patricians, the plebs and the slaves.
  • The Italian Peninsula is not near the sea. True or False?
  • What is the meaning of "Mare Nostrum" for the Romans?
    Mare Nostrum means "our sea", in Latin.
  • What was the most important city in the Roman civilization?
    The city of Rome
  • What was the most important economic activity for the Romans?
    The agriculture
  • What did the children learn at home and school?
    They learned about traditions and religious beliefs.
  • What was the age to consider girls available for marriage?
    At age 12, girls were already considered women available for marriage.
  • Where the Roman civilization was located?
    In the Italian Peninsula
  • According to the map, what continents did the Roman Empire have a presence in?
    Europe, Africa, and Asia.
  • The Italian Peninsula is surrounded by three seas. True or False?
    True. (The Adriatic, Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas.)
  • Did the roman's children receive education?
    Yes, they did
  • The Italian Peninsula is located in the center of the Mediterranean. True or False?
  • What are the names of the three seas which Italian peninsula is surrounded?
    The Adriatic, Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas.
  • How the Roman territory is?
    It is mostly mountainous
  • The Italian Peninsula is mainly located in Africa. True or False?
  • The Italian Peninsula is located in Europe. True or False?
  • What were the routes wich Romans developed because the trade?
    Terrestrial and maritime routes.
  • What was the importance of the Mediterranean Sea for the Roman Empire?
    It allowed them to trade and exchange information and products between three continents.