
CAE Summer Course

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  • Would you ever consider going under the knife to have your body/ face altered?
  • What do you think the most important factors in keeping healthy are? Rank the following in order of importance: diet, exercise, conventional medicine, alternative medicine, other.
  • What is the best piece of advice related to health you could give someone?
  • How does watching a sport compare with active participation?
  • Do you prefer to work out alone or with other people?
  • What sports do you do? What sports do you like watching?
  • Use some of these adjectives to describe these sports: rowing, kart racing, kayaking. Give reasons: demanding, exhilarating, hazardous, rough, extreme, individual, indoor, adventurous, invigorating
  • What risks do people take in the name of health, fitness and beauty? Are they worth taking?
  • Is physical health more important than mental health?
  • How health conscious are you? How do you look after your well-being?
  • Use some of these adjectives to describe these sports: hockey, golf, marathon. Give reasons: demanding, exhilarating, hazardous, rough, extreme, individual, indoor, adventurous, invigorating
  • How do you think people doing extreme sports feel? Use some of these words: excited, nervous, daredevils, adrenaline junkies, etc.
  • Do you prefer team sports to individual sports? Why/why not?
  • What do you need to cut out or cut down to become more healthy? Do you prefer to gradually remove a bad habit or go cold turkey?
  • How important is health and fitness for young people in Romania?
  • What extreme sports couldn't you go through with?
  • What do you do when you feel off colour?
  • Do you think you will ever take up a dangerous sport?
  • Use some of these adjectives to describe these sports: scuba diving, rock climbing, skydiving. Give reasons: demanding, exhilarating, hazardous, rough, extreme, individual, indoor, adventurous, invigorating
  • Do you use moisturizers? Do you have a skincare routine?
  • How important is beauty for young people in Romania?
  • Use some of these adjectives to describe these sports: boxing, badminton, archery. Give reasons: demanding, exhilarating, hazardous, rough, extreme, individual, indoor, adventurous, invigorating
  • Have you ever been on a (crash/ carnivore/ special) diet? Is it hard for you to keep a diet?