
7.3 - sp2

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  • what is going to happen?
    he's going to get a job
  • We are tired. We____________ to bed early. (go)
    are going to go
  • What are they going to do?
    they are going to catch a bus
  • They / sell the car. ?
    are they going to sell the car?
  • I have got a toothache. i ____________ the dentist (see)
    I am going to see
  • I am hot, I _______________ a shower. (have)
    I am going to have
  • Your sister / arrive late.?
    is your sister going to arrive late?
  • What is he going to do?
    he is going to give her a present
  • He / buy a new shirt. ?
    is he going to buy a new shirt?
  • what is going to happen?
    she is going to have a baby
  • My sister is ill. She ___________ some tablets (take)
    is going to take
  • he is 65 so, he ________________
    he is going to retire
  • What are they going to do?
    he is going to save money
  • You / dance tomorrow. ?
    are you going to dance tomorrow?
  • She / go to the park. ?
    is she going to go to the park?
  • It is very cold. It _________ snow
    is going to
  • What are they going to do?
    they are going to get married
  • You are hungry. You ___________ some food (get)
    are going to get
  • We / sing at the party.?
    Are we going to sing at the party?
  • what is going to happen?
    it is going to rain
  • He is thirsty. He ____________ a drink ( have)
    he is going to have
  • You / read a book. ?
    are you going to read a book?
  • It's dark. They can't see. They ________ on the light (turn)
    they are going to turn on
  • They are bored. They ___________ tv (watch)
    are going to watch