
7.3 - sp2

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  • put the words in order >>> they what are doing?
    what are they doing?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> I'm leaving NOW
    When are you leaving?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> We are going TO THE CINEMA
    Where are we going?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> JENNY isn't sleeping late today.
    Who isn't sleeping late today?
  • Correct the mistake >>> When begins the race?
    When does the race begin?
  • Correct the question >>> Speak you English?
    do you speak English?
  • put the words in order >>> what homework for is?
    what is for homework?
  • put the words in order >>> name how your spell you do?
    how do you spell your name?
  • Correct the mistake >>> Where did Peter went?
    Where did Peter go ?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> My rabbit has A CAGE in the garden.
    What does your rabbit have in the garden?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> They go to work BY BUS
    How do they go to work?
  • put the words in order >>> sports the girls like what do?
    what sports do the girls like?
  • put the words in order >>> Tim handball like does why?
    why does Tim like handball?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> Peter runs with his dog ON SUNDAYS
    When does Peter run with his dog?
  • Correct the mistake >>> Does Frank works in Sheffield?
    Does Frank work in Sheffield?
  • Correct the mistake >>> Understand you the question?
    do you understand the question?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> The children are sitting IN THE GARDEN
    Where are the children sitting?
  • Correct the mistake >>> Where live you?
    where do you live
  • put the words in order >>> up when do you get in the morning?
    when do you get up in the morning?
  • Correct the mistake >>> Played you football?
    did you play football?
  • Correct the mistake >>> What did you last Sunday?
    what did you do last Sunday?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> David likes cats BECAUSE THEY ARE NICE
    Why does David like cats?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> SHE walks home from school.
    Who walks home from school?
  • Ask for the information in capitals >>> John is writing A LETTER
    What is John writing?