
1st vs 2nd conditional

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  • If I _____ (be) you, I _____ (go) to bed now. You look awful!
    were / would go
  • If you _____ (see) anything unusual, _____ (call) me immediately.
    see / call
  • If I _____ (be) the Prime Minister, I _____ (reduce) taxes.
    was-were / would reduce
  • If I _____ (see) John, I _____ (tell) him to e-mail you.
    see / will tell
  • If I _____ (tell) you a secret, _____ you _____ (promise) not to tell anyone?
    tell / will promise
  • If he _____ (cause) any more problems, I _____ (fire) him.
    causes / will fire
  • Unfortunately, I am very busy. If I _____ (have) more time, I _____ (help) you with your homework.
    had / would help
  • This is too expensive! If this house _____ (be) cheaper, we _____ (buy) it.
    was-were / would buy
  • I _____ (go) on a blind date if I _____ (be) desperate.
    would go / was-were
  • Pablo Iglesias: "If I _____ (become) President, I _____ (reduce) taxes."
    become / will reduce
  • What _____ you _____ (do) if you _____ (be) rich?
    would you do / were
  • If the economy _____ (be) healthy, there _____ (be) enough jobs for everyone.
    was-were / would be
  • I _____ (leave) unless he _____ (ask) me to.
    won't leave / asks
  • He _____ (be) depressed if he _____ (fail) his exams.
    will be / fails
  • If I _____ (not know) you, I _____ (think) you are crazy!
    didn't know / would think
  • I really don't know what I _____ (do) if I _____ (win) the lottery.
    would do / won