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  • If you had to choose one, which would you eat: A grub, a snail, a locust, or chicken's feet?
    I would eat a ...
  • Which subject are you best at?
    I do best at / in ...
  • Who is in your family?
    There's ...
  • What's your favourite colour? Why?
    My favourite colour is ... because ...
  • What's you favourite movie of all time? Why?
    My favourite movie is ...
  • What's your favourite sport? Why?
    My favourite sport is ... because ...
  • What's your happiest memory?
    My happiest memory is when ...
  • What would be your dream job? Why?
    I would like to be a ... because ...
  • What's your favourite hobby/pastime? Why?
    My favourite hobby/pastime is ...
  • What's your favourite food? (Are we likely to eat it for lunch?)
    My favourite food is ...
  • Who would you most like to meet? Why?
    I would like to meet ... because ...
  • What are you most scared of?
    I'm scared of ...
  • Do you have any pets?
    I (don't) have a ... / any ...
  • What's your name?
    I'm ...
  • If you could have a super power what would it be?
    I would ...
  • Do you prefer to swim in the ocean, lake or swimming pool?
    I prefer to swim in a ... because ...
  • What do you do to calm down when you get nervous or scared?
    When I get nervous I ...
  • When's your birthday?
    It's on the .... of .....
  • What's your dream destination? Why?
    I would like to go to ... because ...
  • Who is your favourite sportsperson? Why?
    My sports idol is ... because ...
  • How old are you?
    I'm .... (years old).
  • What do you like to be called? (If you had a nickname, what would it be?)
    I (would) like to be called...
  • What's your least favourite subject at school? Why?
    My least favourite subject is ... because ...
  • What subject do you enjoy at school? Why?
    My favourite subject is ...