
7.6 - sp3

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  • sonia __________ a job (have)
    b) doesn't have
  • I'm sure ________ lose the match
    b) they'll
  • ________David smoke?
    a) does
  • I______ about my grandmother ( often / dream )
    c) often dream
  • where _________ go next summer? (go)
    are you going to go
  • he didn't ______ to come to France with us. (want)
    c) want
  • where ______- on holiday last year? (go)
    b) did you go
  • A: I don't have a car. B: Don't worry, we_________ take you
    c) we will
  • who _______ that song? (write)
    b) wrote
  • we _________ live with John's parents.
    b) 're going to
  • ________ a picture in your bedroom?
    is there
  • A: What ______(do) ? B: i'm a student
    b) do you do
  • she was driving fast _______ she was late // a) although b) because c) so
    b) because
  • when I took the photo you ______ looking at me.
    a) weren't
  • it's very late. they probably _______ come now
    b) won't
  • what time __________? (leave)
    b) are you leaving
  • we ________ to San Francisco last August (fly)
    c) flew
  • i ______ in the park when I saw an enormous dog. (walk)
    b) was walking
  • I _____ pass the exam. (not think)
    a) don't think she'll
  • when ______ ? (he / die)
    c) did he die
  • what ________ doing when you phoned him?
    b) was he
  • Liz ______ at a primary school. (teach)
    c) teaches
  • it's very hot in here _______ I open the window?
    b) shall
  • where ________ your parents from?
    c) are your parents