
3rd TERM - Optimise B1

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  • I _____ you if I had known you had a problem.
    would have helped
    would help
  • I wouldn't have fallen asleep in the exam if I ________________ (go) to bed earlier the night before.
    I wouldn't have fallen asleep in the exam if I'd/I had gone to bed earlier the night before.
  • I went to the film that ____ yesterday
    came out
  • My grandmother is cooking a big meal for me this Saturday. -  I _______ a big meal ______by my grandmother.
    I am having a big meal cooked by my grandmother.
  • We said to our teacher that we would finish the project _____.
    the following day
  • 'Andy can explain it to you,' Pasha said to us.
    Pasha told us Andy could explain it to us.
  • Lena's a very good student and she often passes tests with flying _____.
    (with flying) colours
  • If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study) French.
    If she had gone to university, she would have studied French.
  •  So someone is repairing my laptop. I _____________. 
    I am having my laptop repaired.
  • As soon as we _____ (arrive) at the cinema, I _____ (buy) you some popcorn.
    arrive, will buy
  • It would have been a good film if the acting _____ better.
    has been
    had been
  • Somebody should check your hearing - You
    You should have your hearing checked
  • what would you do if your favourite team ____ the final?
    will reach
  • I ______________ (call) you if I ______________ (not / forget) my phone.
    I would have called you if I hadn't forgotten my phone.
  • I won't run in the marathon ____ I get a free t-shirt
  • in a football/basketball team
  • She _____ champion if the hadn't practised for years
    wouldn't become
    would have become
    wouldn't have become
    would become
  • When we _____ (get) to the beach, we _____ (call) you.
    get, will call
  • I'm sure we can find a solution if we put our thinking _____ on.
    (put our thinking) caps (on)
  • Someone will repair my bike - I
    I will have my bike repaired
  • What are my ______ winning the lottery?
    chances of
  • 'You have half an hour to do the test,' our teacher said.
    Our teacher said we had half an hour to do the test.
  • If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake) up late.
    If they had gone to bed early, they wouldn't have woken up late.
  • When I am/will be running the marathon, could you pass me some water?
  • who does athletics
  • a very large animals that lives in the ocean
  • We _________________ (not get) wet if you _________________ (not lose) the umbrella
    We wouldn't have got wet if you hadn't lost the umbrella.
  • Luke said he was feeling better then he had made a few friends.
    'I'm feeling better now I've made a few friends,' Luke said
  • The _____ of that show really annoys me, he just isn't funny!
  • The ______ forgot his guitar on the train and was devestated!
  • Who's your favourite hollywood _____ ?
  • If you'd woken up earlier, we ___________________ (not miss) our flight.
    If you'd woken up earlier, we wouldn't have missed our flight.
  • When/as soon he reached the stadium, Jack bought the tickets
  • on a horse or a bike
  • I go to the optician's once a year to test my eyes. I like to ___ my eyes ____ once a year.
    I like to have my eyes tested once a year.
  • Alina said she had gone to the same camp that year as the year before.
    'I went to the same camp this year as last year,' Alina said.
  • Correct of incorrect: It's half past eleven, so Alysia's piano lesson should finish by now.
    should finish => should have finished
  • The art teacher said he was busy _____.
    at the moment
    at that moment
  • They ______________ (be) late if they ______________ (not / take) a taxi.
    They would have been late if they hadn't taken a taxi.
  • His hair is too long. -  He _________ (will / cut)
    He will have his hair cut.
  • She ______________ (not / do) it if she ______________ (know) you were ill.
    She wouldn't have done it if she had known you were ill.
  • who judges a match
  • 'We're going to visit the science museum tomorrow,' Mr. Cox said.
    Mr. Cox said they were going to visit the science museum the next day.
  • My parents took me to this boring _____ on holiday last year
    museum / art gallery
  • _____ the music, I can't hear myself think!
    Turn down
  • horse-riding
  • Will your mom and dad _____ you to go to the concert on your own?
  •  When was the last time you ____ your photo ___ ? (take)
    When was the last time you had your photo taken?
  • I said to Jodie that she _____ to revise for the maths test.
  • She ______________ (not / meet) him if she ______________ (not / come) to London.
    She wouldn't have met him if she hadn't come to London.
  • I'm sure the players _____ (not/start) celebrating before the match _____ (be) over.
    won't start, is
  • Someone usually mends my mother's shoes when they are damaged. - My mother usually __________.
    My mother usually has her shoes mended.
  • Rewrite the sentence using reported speech: 'My cousin may come to the school production,' Tina said.
    Tina said her cousin might come to the school production.
  • an area of study, like maths, English or history
  • Tina told me she was going to study for an exam _____.
    that night
  • A lot of people like that _____ but I think her books are uninteresting
  • 'What are you doing this evening?' my best friend asked me.
    My best friend asked me what I was doing that evening.
  • The dentist should remove my wisdom tooth. - I_____
    I should have my wisdom tooth removed.
  • complete a course, often at college or university
  • As soon as Sarah lifts the trophy, the crowd cheers/will cheer
    will cheer
  • If he ________________ (be) on time for his wedding, his bride wouldn't have been so angry!
    If he'd been/had been on time for his wedding, his bride wouldn't have been so angry!
  • Somebody robbed Mr. Jenkins's shop last night. - Mr. Jenkins _____ last night
    Mr.Jenkins had his shop robbed last night.
  • If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) a painter.
    If she had gone to art school, she would have become a painter.
  • on a bike but not a horse
  • We ______________ (come) if we ______________ (be) invited.
    We would have come if we had been invited.
  • Sanjay missed a week of school and he fell _____ the others.
  • What would you _____ if you had been me in that situation?
    have done
  • _____________ he ___________ (succeed) if I hadn't helped him?
    Would he have succeeded
  • I hate when some _____ thinks they can do anything because they're famous
  • Tim loves reading and he's always got his _____ in a book.
    (have/get your) nose (in a book)
  • If John ______________ (not eat) so much at the party, he __________________ (not be) sick.
    If John hadn't eaten so much at the party, he wouldn't have been sick.
  • How often do you ____ your teeth ______(check)?
    How often do you have your teeth checked?
  • who plays computer games
  • We have to learn 100 words by _____ before Monday!
    (learn by) heart
  • 'Where were you going when I saw you?' the policeman asked me.
    The policeman asked me where I had been going when she had seen me.
  • 'I've been learning the guitar for over a year,' Luca said.
    Luca said he had been learning the guitar for over year.
  • 'You'll love it here,' Fatima said to me.
    Fatima said to me that I would love it there.
  • Correct of incorrect: It must has been amazing to see lions in the wild.
    must has been => must have been
  • They delivered a lot of packages to my neighbours yesterday. -My neighbours ___________ yesterday.
    My neighbours had a lot of packages delivered yesterday.
  • Who will take penalty if we ____ one?
    will get
  • 'My best friend doesn't like writing essays,' Tim said.
    Tim said his best friend didn't like writing essays.
  • If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I ______________ (learn) to speak a different language.
    If I had been born in a different country, I would have learnt to speak a different language.
  • Before you will start/start running, you should warm up slowly
  • Change the following sentence into the reported speech: 'Have you ever been to the zoo before?' the zookeeper asked us.
    The zookeeper asked us if/whether we had ever been to the zoo before.
  • Please don't forget to hand your homework _____ on Monday morning.
  • Don't worry - I _____ (look after) your bike while you _____ (shop).
    will look, are shopping
  • I __________ (give) you a present if I ___________ (know) it was your birthday.
    I'd/I would have given you a present if I'd/I had known it was your birthday.
  • If you'd told me about it, I _________________ (do) something about it.
    If you'd told me about it, I'd/I would have done something about it.
  • You're doing very well. Keep _____ the good work!
  • Katy said she _____ to space camp the previous month.
    had gone
  • tennis/footbal/basketball
  • I don't know whether to _____ athletics or yoga this year.
  • Once you _____ the ropes, this job isn't very difficult.
    learn (the ropes)
  • 'You'll see lots of animals on safari,' the guide said.
    The guide said we would see lots of animals on safari.
  • It's important that we look after the _____ world. (NATURE)
  • Will you please go _____ the plan just one more time?
  • Someone painted my nails last week. -  I ____________ last week.
    I had my nails painted last week.
  • Every year, many orangutans end _____ losing their habitat due to deforestation.
  • The party was a great _____! Everyone had a wonderful time. (SUCCEED)
  • The head teacher said that she _____ see me then.
  • Ben's so mean! It's time someone taught him a _____.
    (teach someone a) lesson
  • You can't come in. Some professional cleaners are cleaning the offices. We ____ the offices ____
    We are having the offices cleaned.
  • My parents wouldn't have let me go to the show if I _____ on my own.
    would be
    had been
  • Correct or incorrect: If tonight's match isn't on TV, we [would listen] to it on the radio.
    would listen => will listen
  • Julia said to her friends that she _____ to summer camp.
    was going
    is going
  • Rewrite the sentence using reported speech: 'I can't come to the school dance,' Sarah said.
    Sarah said she couldn't come to the school dance.
  • who goes up mountains
  • Leah said she had been having canoe lessons since the summer before.
    'I have been having canoe lessons since last summer,' Leah said.
  • I __________ (believe) you if you hadn't lied to me before.
    I'd/I would have believed you
  • who does gymnastics
  • Can your dad give us a lift to the cinema? Someone is fixing my dad's car. - My dad ______ his car ______.
    My dad is having his car fixed.
  • who leads sports team
  • Ray said he had handed in his essay _____.
    the day before
  • golf
  • I'd like to book an appointment to _____ my hair _____ (dye) please.
    I'd like to book an appointment to have my hair dyed please.
  • I ___ a beautiful new dress ____ (make)
    I had a beautiful new dress made.
  • He said that he had enrolled in the course two weeks _____.
  • : 'I can cook really well after a few lessons,' Joshua said.
    Joshua said he could cook really well after a few lessons.
  • If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.
    If we had arrived earlier, we would have seen John.
  • The actress fell off the ____ and hurt her leg!
  • They _____ (continue) with the match once it _____ (stop) raining.
    will continue, stops
  •  We ___ the patio ___ during last summer. (paint)
    We had the patio painted during the summer
  • an African animal with a very long neck
  • Please ___ I'm trying to think!
    shut up
  • A doctor is going to examine my back. - I
    I'm going to have my back examined.
  • Did your sister drop _____ halfway through her medical degree?
  • Someone cleaned my dad's best suit last weekend. My dad ______ his best suit _____ last weekend.
    My dad had his best suit cleaned last weekend.
  • How long have you been _____ gymnastics?
  • someone at school but not someone at university
  • If the Titanic ___________ (not sink), they ______________ (not make) that terrible film!
    If the Titanic hadn't sunk, they wouldn't have made that terrible film!
  • We ______________ (not / get) married if we ______________ (not / go) to the same university.
    We wouldn't have got married if we hadn't gone to the same university.
  • I _____ (keep) trying until I _____ (learn) how to skateboard perfectly.
    will keep, have learned/learn
  • swimming
  • I'm sorry but I won't be _____ to go to the cinema this evening.
  • The school is going to ____ a musical next week
    put on
  • Ryan said he'd never been to a summer camp before.
    'I've never been to a summer camp before,' Ryan said.
  • Someone is going to program his new TV - He
    He is going to have his TV programmed
  • We went to a brilliant music ____ last year
  • A postman delivers my newspaper every week. - I
    I have my newspaper delivered every week.
  • If it __________ (not snow), we _____________ (carry on) skiing.
    If it hadn't snowed, we'd/we would have carried on skiing.
  • If I'd known you were in hospital, I _______________ (visit) you.
    I'd/I would have visited you.
  • Mary won't enter the competition when/until she is completely ready
  • who can balance and jump well
  • 'Lucy and Helen will help me with my art project,' said James.
    James said Lucy and Helen would help him with his art project.
  • Our teacher said that she _____ correct our essays.
  • 'We must finish our maths homework tonight,' Alicia said.
    Alicia said they had to finish their maths homework that night.
  • He ______________ (be) on time if he ______________ (leave) earlier.
    He would have been on time if he had left earlier.
  • UberEats delivers food to our apartment every Friday night. We ____ food _____ every Friday night.
    We have food delivered every Friday night.
  • If we _____ in the last second, we would have lost the match.
    don't score
    hadn't score
    didn't score
  • the kind of school you go to aged 11-18
    secondary school
  • 'I'm watching an interesting documentary now,' Liam said.
    Liam said he was watching an interesting documentary then.