
Future Forms

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  • My brother's having a baby so I aunt in a couple of weeks. (be)
    'm going to be
  • A: Can I tell you a secret? B: Of course! I ... anyone. (not tell)
  • That little boy is cycling too fast. He ... off. (fall)
    's going to
  • We ... on 3rd June at 5.30pm. We hope you can come! (get married)
    are getting, 're getting
  • I've decided that I ... a new job. (look for)
    I'm going to look for
  • A: I can hardly lift this suitcase. B: Wait. I... you with it! (help)
  • A: Do you want to come for dinner to Dave's on thursday? B: I can't. I ... dinner with Sam. (have)
    'm having or I'm going to have