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  • Gavin felt ______________ that he helped his sister.
  • Who was the main character of the story?
  • Who looked forward to computer time?
  • How did Gavin miss computer time?
    He was called to the principal's office
  • How did Lucy conflict get resolved?
    Gavin talked to her
  • How did Gavin's conflict get resolved?
    He can have computer time tomorrow.
  • How did Gavin feel when he was called down to the office?
  • What was the conflict with Gavin?
    He was missing computer time?
  • Where did the setting take place?
    At school
  • When can Gavin have computer time?
  • Why was Lucy crying?
    She missed her mom.
  • What did Lucy give Gavin?
    A little smile
  • What was the conflict with Lucy?
    Lucy missed her missed her mom.
  • What was Lucy doing in the office?
    She was crying.
  • Who did Gavin see in the office?
    His sister little sister, Lucy
  • Gavin was really mad that he missed his computer time. True or False
  • What did Gavin tell Lucy?
    It was okay, sometimes I miss mom too. She always comes back to get us.