
Important people in history

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  • She was a pilot. She was the first woman to to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
    Amelia Earhart
    Eleanor Roosevelt
    Ada Lovelace
    Rosa Parks
  • He was the first president of the United States of America (USA).
    George Washington
  • She was the queen of Great Britain and Ireland for nearly 64 years.
    Queen Victoria
  • He was a scientist. He developed the theory of the relativity.
    Albert Einstein
  • She was a tennis player. She was the first African American woman to play at Wimbledon.
    Tony Morrison
    Maya Angelou
    Rosa Parks
    Althea Gibson
  • He was a musician. He was in a pop band called the Beatles.
    John Lennon
  • She was a scientist. She was the first computer programmer.
    Anna Twain
    Greta Garbo
    Ada Lovelace
    Rosa Parks
  • He was a famous rock and roll singer.
    Elvis Presley
  • She was an imortant actress and a film star.
    Marylin Monroe
  • He was an astronaut. He was the first person to walk on the moon.
    Neil Armstrong
  • He was an Italian explorer.
    Christopher Columbus
  • He was a politician. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britan from 1939-1945.
    Winston Churchill
  • She was a political activist. She refused to give up her seat to a white man in the USA.
    Rosa Parks
  • He was an American singer and dancer.
    Michael Jackson
  • She was a scientist and she made experiments with radioactivity.
    Marylin Monroe
    Marie Curie
    Queen Elizabeth
    Greta Garbo
  • They were brothers and they were the inventor of the plane and aviation.
    The Wright brothers
  • She was a little girl who wrote a diary during Nazi persecution.
    Anna Frank
  • He was a scientist. He discovered gravity.
    John Curie
    Isaac Newton
    Albert Einstein
    The Wright Brothers
  • She was an astronaut. She was the first American woman to travel to space.
    Amy Tan
    Marylin Monroe
    Anna Frank
    Sally Ride