
Flyers jobs

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  • This person works in an office, and usually wears a suit.
    a businessman / a businesswoman
  • You might see this person in a film or on TV.
    an actor / an actress
  • This person brings your food and drink in a restaurant
    a waiter / a waitress
  • This person paints pictures.
    an artist
  • You can call this person to pick you up in their car.
    a taxi driver
  • This person is like a doctor for animals.
    a vet
  • This person goes to space in a rocket.
    an astronaut
  • This person looks after cows, sheep and ducks.
    a farmer
  • This person works in a hospital with doctors.
    a nurse
  • This person looks at your teeth to make sure they are healthy.
    a dentist
  • This person might be very famous, and works in a recording studio.
    a pop star / a singer
  • You call this person if you see a burning building.
    a firefighter
  • This person prepares the food in a restaurant.
    a chef / a cook
  • This person uses a camera to take pictures.
    a photographer
  • This person flies a plane.
    a pilot
  • You call this person if you see someone stealing something.
    a police officer
  • This person writes stories for a newspaper or magazine.
    a journalist
  • This person works in a school, with a class of students.
    a teacher