
Solutions Pre-Intermediate (Oral Exam)

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  • Present Perfect: Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): I think I’ve see this movie.
    I think I’ve seen this movie.
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever broken a bone?
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever seen a ghost?
  • This is the place where you can buy fruits and vegetables.
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: After I _____ (read) the entire series of Harry Potter, I watched the movies.
    had read
  • What would you do if you could be invisible for one day?
    If i could be invisible for one day, I would....
  • This is the place where you can buy earrings and a necklace.
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: After Columbus had discovered America, he ________ (return) to Spain.
  • This is the place where you can buy bread and pastries.
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): He’s wrote me a postcard from London.
    He’s written me a postcard from London.
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: After Fred had spent his holiday in Italy, he_______ (want) to learn Italian.
  • This is the place where you can buy and donate articles for charity.
    Charity Shop
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever slept in a tent?
  • This is the place where you can buy cheese and ham.
  • If you had a time machine, what would you do?
    If I had a time machine, I would.....
  • What would you do if you woke up one morning being a robot?
    If I woke up one morning being a robot, I would....
  • What would you do if you were the leader of your country?
    If I was the leader of my country, I would....
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever been to Paris?
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): Has you ever been to Spain?
    Have you ever been to Spain?
  • This is the place where you can buy medicine.
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): Have you spoke to her lately?
    Have you spoken to her lately?
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: ______(he / live) in Central before he moved to Wanchai?
    Had he lived
  • This is the place where you keep your money.
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): We have live here for 20 years.
    We have lived here for 20 years.
  • This is the place where you buy magazines and newspapers.
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: When I ________(open) the curtains in the morning, I found that it had snowed during the night.
  • This is the place where you can buy new sunglasses
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): Did you done your homework yet?
    Have you done your homework yet?
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever cheated on an exam?
  • If you had only one month to live, what would you do?
    If i had one month to live, I would.......
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: After the writer _________ (publish) his third book, he won a writing award.
    had published
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: I _______ (be) very tired because I had studied too much.
  • If you were super rich and never had to work, what would you do with your free time?
    If i was super super rich, I would
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: The flat was a mess because John _______(have) a party.
    had had
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: Before they _________ (start) the party, they had invited some friends.
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever been on TV?
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): My colleague is just won the lottery.
    My colleague has just won the lottery.
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever met a celebrity?
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever eaten caviar?
  • This is the place where you can buy meat and chicken.
  • Past Perfect or Past Simple: At school, Jim quickly copied the homework that he ________(not do).
    had not done
  • This is the place where you buy food to eat at home.
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): I am already visited India.
    I have already visited India.
  • Present Perfect: Have you ever sung in public?
  • This is the place where you can buy or rent houses and apartments.
    Estate Agent's
  • If your house was on fire, what items would you save and why?
    If my house was on fire, i would save....... because........
  • What would you do if an alien spaceship landed in your garden?
    If an alien spaceship landed in my garden, I would....
  • If you could meet one person from History, who would you choose to meet? Why?
    If i could meet one person from history, It would be...... because......
  • If you could have any job, what would you choose? Why?
    If i could have any job, I would choose..... because.....
  • This is the place where you take your clothes to wash.
  • CORRECT (Present Perfect): Have I meet you before?
    Have I met you before?