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  • This animal looks like a robber. They like to eat garbage. Their tails have many rings.
  • This animal has bumpy, scaly skin. Their long, sticky tongue is a secret weapon. They are masters of camoflague.
  • This animal is very clever. They are usually red and white. When they cry, they sound like human babies.
  • I ride on the water, and I start with a B; with sail or motor, you can go with me.
  • You can find this animal hiding in the swamp. They have a lot of sharp, pointy teeth and scales. They only eat meat.
    Crocodile / Alligator
  • You may call me burro, and I start with a D; Put a load on my back, you can count on me.
  • This animal's face looks like a skull. They eat bamboo. They live in China.
  • I will chase a mouse, and I start with a C; I will chase a bird and I end with a T
  • This animal can run fast. They are often seen in riding competitions. Some people like to braid their manes and tails.
  • This animal likes to live near the ocean. They eat fish, but sometimes eat our trash. They are white and gray with orange beaks.
  • This animal can be seen on a farm. They are famously used to hunt for truffles. Some religions do not eat this animal.
  • This animal is most at home on the mountain hillside. They have two strong horns that both protect and attack. Sometimes we drink their milk.
  • I can be very sharp, and I start with a P; you can even erase, what you wrote with me.
  • This animal lives in Africa and India. They are illegally hunted for their ivory. They can use their noses like hands.
  • This animal lives in the Artic. They like to eat seals and foxes. They are endangered because of the melting ice.
    Polar Bear
  • I eat lots of grass, and I start with a C, the milk in you lunch, all began with me.
  • This animal is nocturnal. They hunt mice and other small rodents. Their heads can rotate 270 degrees.
  • This animal has tentacles. It does not have a brain. This animal can be poisonous and floats in the ocean.
  • This animal flies at night. Their wings are webbed. They like to eat bugs and fruit.
  • I mean to go fast, and I start with R; of course you could walk, and go just as far.
  • I have a large bill, and I start with G; I've a long, white neck, and I end with E.
  • This animal loves to be in the sun. They live in the desert. Their superpower is regrowing their tails if they fall off.
  • I can hold up pants, and I start with B; as you start to grow, you change the notch on me.
  • I live on the desert, and I start with a C; I have one or two humps, so don't look for three
  • You take me for a drive, and I start with a C; but if I'm out of fuel, you won't ride in me.
  • This animal is famous for an American holiday. They are delicious roasted or in sandwiches. Their tail is shaped like a fan.
  • This animal has two antennae. You know where they've been because of their trail. They are weak to salt.
    Snail / Slug
  • I have many pages, and I start with a B; Before you learned to read, Someone read to you from me.
  • This animal likes to hang upside down. They move very, very slowly. They live in the trees.
  • This animal has sharp teeth and claws. Sometimes they hunt and sometimes they nap. They are said to have 9 lives.
  • This animal is the biggest in the sea. They swim in pods. They are famous for their songs.
  • I'm a fuzzy, sweet fruit, and I start with a P; A pit is what is left, when you're done eating me.
  • I'm what you write upon, and I start with P; if you fold me just right, then you can fly me.
  • This animal can be found swimming in the ocean. They like to eat clams. They often have a favorite rock.
    Sea Otter
  • The color of the sky, and I start with a B; and if it's deep and clear, the lake is colored me.
  • This animal is prized for its feathers. Some people feel like there are many eyes watching them when they look at this animal. They live in Africa and India.
  • This animal lives in a shell. They have two claws. Sometimes their home needs an upgrade, so they find a new one.
    Hermit crab
  • This animal has a bushy tail. They like to eat nuts. Sometimes they get chased by cats and dogs.
  • This insect has 8 legs. It traps bugs in its sticky home. Sometimes they can be hairy.
  • A fruit of red or green, and I start with a G; You'll find me on a vine, with more bunches like me.
  • I just love the mud, and I start with a P; I am fat and smart, and I end with a G
  • I will be your friend, and I start with a D; I will guard your house and I end with a G.
  • A very sour fruit, and I start with L; add water and sugar, and I taste just swell.
  • A fruit of red or green, and I start with an A; My juice is brown and sweet, my core you throw away.
  • I'm down near the ground, and I start with a T; I'm part of a foot, folks call me piggie.