
Active to passive Present and Past simple

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  • They produced a new version of Mario Bros in 2018
    A new version of Mario Bros was produced in 2018.
  • Peter reads a lot of books
    A lot of books are read by Peter
  • A lot of people use electronic fitness trackers
    Electronic fitness trackers are used by a lot of people
  • They closed the science museum.
    The science museum was closed.
  • John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth
  • The archer shot the king in his eye
    The king was shot in his eye by the archer
  • Miners wore the first Levi jeans.
    The first Levi jeans were worn by miners.
  • The police caught the dangerous spy.
    The dangerous spy was caught
  • Matthew never cleans the bathroom
    The bathroom is never cleaned by Matthew
  • The Chinese invented chess.
    Chess was invented by the Chinese.
  • Grandma made a delicious soup
    A delicious soup was made by grandma
  • Gillian wrote an excellent essay
    An excellent essay was written by Gillian
  • The people of Athens forced Socrates to drink  poison
    Socrates was forced to drink  poison by the people of Athens
  • Karl drives a Ferrari
    A Ferrari  is driven by Karl
  • They taught Maths in schools for thousands of years.
    Maths was taught in schools for thousands of years.