
Egzamin 8-klasisty open task

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  • (Zamierzam) ............................ study medicine.
    I'm going to study medicine.
  • (Ile lat ma) ........... your grandpa?
    How old is your grandpa?
  • (Rada Helen była) ........................... very helpful.
    Helen's advice was very helpful.
  • This car is ........ (nasz).
    This car is ours.
  • Jason usually ............... (chodzi pieszo) to school.
    Jason usually walks/goes on foot to school.
  • (Czy interesujesz się) .................. in history?
    Are you interested in history?
  • What time ............... (wstajesz) up in the morning?
    What time do you get up in the morning?
  • Last week I .................... (kupiłam) a new dress.
    Last week I bought a new dress.
  • (Czy on lubi) .......................... songs about love?
    Does he like songs about love?
  • Is this the ............................. (projekt chłopców)?
    Is this the boys' project?
  • I like my blue T-shirt ............... (bardziej niż) my other T-shirts.
    I like my blue T-shirt more than my other T-shirts.
  • Alicia .................... (ma wiele) pets.
    Alicia has got a lot of/ has a lot of pets.
  • He joined the army .................. (4 miesiące temu).
    He joined the army four months ago.
  • (Nie ma żadnego) ....................... apple juice in the fridge.
    There isn't any apple juice in the fridge./ There's no apple juice in the fridge.
  • Excuse me, (czy jest) ........ a post office near here?
    Excuse me, is there a post office near here?
  • Jack always ...................... (pamięta żeby kupić) food for the cat.
    Jack always remembers to buy food for the cat.
  • The project ........................... (zostanie ukończony) on Friday.
    The project will be finished on Friday.
  • I have ................ (bardzo mało) money.
    I have very little money.
  • (Nie mam) .............. any money.
    I haven't got/ don't have any money.
  • Were you having a shower when I .................. (zadzwoniłam) you last night?
    Were you having a shower when I called you last night?
  • (Ile) ................. does it cost?
    How much does it cost?
  • I'm ............................. (tak wysoki jak) my brother.
    I'm as tall as my brother.
  • I ................................. (nie rozmawiałam) to him yesterday.
    I didn't talk to him yesterday.
  • What ........................... (teraz oglądacie) now?
    What are you watching now?
  • These are ............................. (jej kanapki).
    These are her sandwiches.
  • Are you ................ (starsza od) your sister?
    Are you older than your sister?