
E503_U1_G1_Simultaneous and Sequential Past Acti ...

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  • The house was completely dark when I got home because the family (go) to bed.
    had gone
    had been going
  • verb: tear (simple past, past perfect)
    SP: tore; PP: had torn
  • (Jane / help) the people for thriteen years before (she / decide) to retire.
    Jane had been helping; she decided
  • My friend (see) Lila Downs in concert, so we decided not to go.
    had already been seeing
    had already seen
  • (Nancy / be) engaged to someone else when (she / met) Jonathan.
    Nancy had been engaged / Nancy was; she met
  • (Emily / study) engineering while (her husband / give) orders for her to carry out.
    Emily was studying; her husband was giving
  • (We / study) marine biology for two years when (we / finish) our degree.
    We had been studying; we finished
  • (Sara / see already) the movie, so (she / not want) to go with us.
    Sara had already seen/She already saw; she didn't want
  • By the time I (find) the news, everyone had heard about it.
    was finding
    had found
    had been finding
  • (I / walk) to school while (it / rain).
    I was walking; I was raining
  • verb: lose (past continuous, past perfect continuous)
    PC: was/were losing; PPC: had been losing
  • (1st: The filming finished.) (2nd: The bus arrived.)
    The filming had finished when/before the bus arrived.
  • (They / talk) on the phone for 30 minutes when (I / get) home.
    They had been talking; I got
  • (1st: Lisa thought of buying the sweater for hours.) (2nd: Someone bought it.)
    Lisa had been thinking of buying the jacket when/before someone bought it.
  • He (take) a nap while the burglar was searching his house.
    was taking
    had been taking
    had taken
  • Marian (decide) to take action when she got tired of waiting.
    was deciding
    had been deciding
  • When (the package / arrive), (they . expect) it for three weeks.
    the package arrived; they had been expecting
  • (Leo / stop) to look at the shoes in the windows when (his friends / arrive).
    Leo had stopped; his friends arrived
  • (They / send) several messages to the company before (they / recieve) a response.
    They (had) sent; they received
  • Before (I / realize) it, (I / learn) to speak English pretty well.
    I realized; I (had) learned
  • The women's tennis team (practice) on a grass court four times before today's event started.
    had practiced
    had been practicing
  • (John / die) before his son (Washington / take over) as chief engineer.
    John (had) died; Washiongton took over
  • (Mr. Roebling / try) to convince people for a long time before (the project / become) a reality.
    Mr. Roebling had been trying; the project became
  • Mr. Green (wait) for a phone call all morning when someone knocked on the door.
    had waited
    had been waiting
    was waiting
  • verb: want (simple past, past perfect)
    SP: wanted; PP: had wanted
  • The audience (stand) in line for hours to buy tickets when they canceled the concert.
    had been standing
    had stood
  • It (rain) for two weeks when the sun finally came out.
    was raining
    had rained
    had been raining
  • verb: forget (simple past, past perfect)
    SP: forgot; PP: had forgotten
  • (1st: Dianne stopped driving.) (2nd: She texted her boyfriend.)
    Dianne had stopped diriving when/before she texted her boyfriend.
  • My brother (win) the swim meet when the diving competition began.
    had already been winning
    had already won
  • verb: throw (past continuous, past perfect continous)
    PC: was/were throwing; PFC: had been throwing
  • verb: strike (past continuous, past perfect continuous)
    PC: was/were striking; PPC: had been striking