
Mother's Day Around the World

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  • True or False: People spend more on Father's Day gifts than Mother's Day gifts.
    False. On average, people spend $139 on Father’s Day compared to $195 on Mother’s Day.
  • In the UK, what is the traditional food eaten on Mother’s Day or Mothering Day? a) bangers and mash b) cake c) fish and chips d) sunday roast
    In the UK, Mothering Sunday often includes a traditional simnel cake—a spiced cake made with dried fruit and topped with marzipan balls.
  • In the UK, Mother’s Day or Mothering Day celebrates mums and _______?
    Mothering Sunday began as a day when Christians traveled to their main church of the area and children were allowed to take a day off to visit their mums.
  • How many Mother's Day cards does the average person buy each year?
    The average person buys 2.8 Mother’s Day cards likely also for their grandmothers, wives, mothers-in-law, sisters, or friends.
  • In Bolivia, Mother's day celebrates a) historical female fighters b) female saints c) female goddesses d) the Virgin Mary
    The "Heroinas of Coronilla" banded together to fight the Spanish Army May 27 1812 because their fathers, sons and husbands were all injured or killed.
  • Which of the following is NOT part of the Mother's Day Tradition in Mexico? a) a bonfire b) visiting your mother c) eating tamales for breakfast d) hiring a band
    On May 10th, families celebrate together after a traditional breakfeast of tamales and atole. A band is hired and moms request their favorite songs.
  • Name 3 popular Mother's Day gifts
    Chocolates, flowers, cards, jewelry, gift certificates, etc.
  • True or False: The tradition of giving flowers on Mother's Day dates back to ancient Rome.
    True - In ancient Rome, they celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria during which they would give offerings of flowers to the goddess Cybele.
  • In Spain, Mother’s Day used to be celebrated in what month? a) March b) May c) August d) December
    In Spain, Mother's Day was created to honor the Virgen of Immaculate Conception. Therefore, it was celebrated on the 8 Dec until 1965 when it changed to May.
  • True or False: The woman who successfully campaigned to make Mother's Day a national holiday in the US later tried to cancel the holiday.
    True. Mother's Day became a designated holiday in 1914, but within a few years, Anna Jarvis became disgusted with how the day became about spending money.
  • True or False: Mother's Day is a holiday that was created by greeting card companies to sell more cards.
    False - holiday was actually created by Anna Jarvis in the United States in honor of her mother.
  • True or False: Mother's Day is celebrated on the same day in every country around the world.
    False - While many countries celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May, the exact date and traditions can vary by country.
  • What flower is often considered the symbol of Mother's day? a) carnations b) peonies c) roses d) tulips
    Carnations quickly became the symbol of Mother’s Day (supposedly representing the tears of Mary when Jesus was crucified) when it began in 1914
  • Which country did not make Mother's Day a national holiday until 1950? a) Ireland b) U.S. c) France d) the UK
    Napoleon tried to mandate a national maternal holiday in the 19th century but it wasn't until May 24, 1950 that the Fête des Mères became an official holiday.
  • In Thailand, Mother's day is celebrated on a) the First Sunday in April b) Independence Day c) The Queen's Birthday d) The Princess' Birthday
    Her Majesty Sirikit the Queen of Thailand is considered the mother of all her Thai subjects so the Thai government made her birthday, August 12 the official day
  • What region celebrates Mother's Day on 21 March, the first day of spring? a) West Africa b) the Middle East c) the Caribbean d) East Asia
    Egypt and many other middle-eastern countries (Bahrain, UAE, Iraq etc) celebrate women as givers of life on the first day of spring.