
Citizenship - 10

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  • We elect a president for how many years?
    4 years
  • What day does the new president, Joe Biden, start his position?
    January 20th
  • N400 Vocabulary: What does "spouse" mean?
    Husband or Wife
  • In what month do we vote for president?
  • N400 Vocabulary: What does "widow" mean?
    Your husband or wife has died
  • If both the president and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes president?
    Speaker of the House
  • What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
    Mike Pence
  • What are the two parts of the US Congress?
    Senate and House of Representatives
  • Who is in charge of the executive branch?
    The President
  • N400 Part 11: Where were your children born? What are their dates of birth?
    Answers Vary
  • What are two cabinet-level positions?
    Secretary of State, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Defense...
  • What does the president's cabinet do?
    Advises the President
  • N400 Part 10: How many times have you been married?
    Answers Vary
  • N400 Part 11: Do you have any children? How many children do you have?
    Answers Vary
  • We elect a US Senator of how many years?
    6 years
  • N400 part 10: What is your marital status?
    Answers vary
  • What is the political party of the president now?
  • If the president can no longer serve, who becomes president?
    Vice President
  • N400 Vocabulary: What is the difference between a biological, stepchild, and adopted?
    Biological is a child that you give birth to, but a stepchild or adopted child has a different mother.
  • N400 Part 10: What was the date of your marriage?
    Answers Vary
  • Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
    The President
  • Name one branch or part of the government.
    Executive, Legislative, Judicial
  • N400 Part 10: What is your spouse's name? What is his immigration status?
    Answers Vary