
CAE - Progress Test 1

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  • dread
    to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen
  • heist
    an act of stealing something very valuable from a shop, bank, etc.
  • take into account
    to consider something when judging a situation
  • permit
    to allow something to happen, especially by an official decision, rule, or law
  • disembodied
    existing without a body or separated from a body
  • reconnaissance
    the military activity of sending soldiers and aircraft to find out about the enemy’s forces
  • esteem
    a feeling of respect for someone, or a good opinion of someone
  • landmark
    something that is easy to recognise, such as a tall tree or building, and that helps you know where you are
  • mass
    to come together, or to make people or things come together, in a large group
  • indicator
    something that can be regarded as a sign of something else
  • opt
    to choose one thing or do one thing instead of another
  • banter
    friendly conversation in which people make a lot of jokes with, and amusing remarks about, each other
  • vicinity
    in the area around a particular place
  • hustle and bustle
    busy and noisy activity
  • proximity
    nearness in distance or time
  • aimlessly
    not having a clear purpose or reason
  • intersect
    to meet or go across each other
  • hustle and bustle
    busy and noisy activity
  • dwindle
    to gradually become less and less or smaller and smaller
  • aspire
    to desire and work towards achieving something important