
City questions

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  • Does your city have a vibrant nightlife?
  • What 3 adjectives would you use to describe your country’s capital city?
    I agree
  • How often do you go to the pub?
  • What is the most beautiful city you have ever visite? Can you think of a town or city which is very ugly?
  • What are the advantages of living in a large town or city? Are there any disadvantages to living in big city?
    Yes, of course
  • What is the first thing a foreign visitor should do in your town?
  • Do you use public transport in your city? Are there many bus stations?
    Yeah, there are many bus stations but as fo me, I prefer underground
  • What things are more expensive in big cities?
  • What is the most fashionable city in the world right now?
  • Do you like to go shopping? Or do you prefer online shopping?
  • When you visit a new city, which places do you go to first?
  • Describe a park in your city? What can you do there?
  • Do you have a favourite place in your own town? Why do you like it?
  • Is there a city you don’t like or never want to visit?