
Passive Voice (B1)

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  • Make passive: People drink a lot of tea in Britain
    Tea is drunk in Britain by a lot of people
  • Make passive: Ancient Greeks invented the Olympic Games.
    The Olympic Games were invented by ancient Greeks
  • Many buildings ____________ (damage) in the storm last week.
    Many buildings were damaged in the storm last week.
  • Whisky ____________ (make) in Scotland.
    Whisky is made in Scotland
  • Chess ____________ (play) in ancient Persia.
    Chess was played in ancient Persia.
  • The Internet ____________ (use) by millions of people.
    The Internet is used by millions of people
  • Make passive: My uncle sold the bicycle.
    The bicycle was sold by my uncle.
  • The robbers ____________ (find) in the park last night.
    The robbers were found in the park last night.
  • Make passive: The cat didnt eat the mouse
    The mouse wasnt eaten by the cat
  • Make passive: Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa
    Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci
  • Breakfast _____ (serve) from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
    was served
  • Make passive: Children send millions of text messages every day.
    Millions of text messages are sent every day by children
  • Grapes ____________ (need) to make wine.
    Grapes are needed to make wine.
  • Every day CNN _____ (watch) by millions of people.
    is watched
  • Coffee ____________ (drink) all over the world.
    Coffee is drunk all over the world.
  • Stamps ____________ (sell) in a post office.
    Stamps are sold in a post office.
  • Make passive: Scientists make a lot of experiments.
    A lot of experiments are made by scientists
  • The Harry Potter films _____ (not direct) by Steven Spielberg.
    were not
  • The wheel _____ (invent) thousands of years ago.
    was invented
  • My bag ____________ (steal) yesterday
    My bag was stolen yesterday
  • Make passive: Tourists take a lot of photographs
    A lot of photographs are taken by tourists
  • In some countries paper ____________ (not recycled) yet.
    In some countries paper isnt recycled yet.
  • Make passive: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet
    Hamlet was written by Shakespeare
  • The first train station ____________ (open) 200 years ago.
    The first train station was opened 200 years ago.