
Life in the future.

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  • How do we call a person with special powers/ skills?
    A superhero
  • How to say: W przyszłości będę astronautą?
    In the future I will be an astronaut.
  • What can we see on the sky? Name three things.
    Student's answer
  • An alien transport is called... ?
    A UFO/ a flying saucer
  • What is this?
    A spaceship
  • What does the picture show?
    A robot!
  • What does science fiction mean in Polish?
    Fantastyka naukowa
  • Guess what's that: It is usually green and it has got big eyes. It it from space. What's that?
    An alien.
  • A thing made from metal that looks like human, but is not a human?
    A robot
  • What is send by humans to fly around the Earth?
    A satellite
  • What does TECHNOLOGY mean in Polish?
  • A skill that make us travel from one place to another?
  • How do we say: podróż kosmiczna?
    Space travel
  • How do we say: wynalazek?
  • What does astronomer use to study space?
    A telescope
  • What is this?
    It's a moon
  • On what planet do we live?
    We live on planet Earth
  • How do we call this?
    A shooting stars
  • What is this?
  • What is used to travel through time?
    A time machine