
Spain in the Modern Age (19th C.)

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  • Who became Emperor of France after the French Revolution?
    Napoleón Bonaparte
  • Which event marked the beginning of the Modern Age?
    The French Revolution
  • Who reigned in Spain after Fernando VII?
    Isabel II
  • What did the treaty signed by Napoleón and Godoy allow for?
    It allowed Napoleón to cross through Spain to conquer Portugal
  • When did the Spanish War of Independence start?
    In 1808
  • What was the First written constitution of Spain called?
    The constitution of Cádiz 'La Pepa'
  • What new rights did people get due to the constitution of 1869?
    All men got the right to vote
  • What happened at the beginning of the French Revolution?
    Revolutionaries attacked the Bastille prison
  • Who was the king of France at the beginning of the French Revolution?
    Louis XVI
  • What was La Pepa?
    The Constitution of Cádiz
  • When was the First Republic established?
    In 1873
  • When did the Modern Age begin?
    In 1789
  • Which Royal (queen or king) abdicated in 1868?
    Queen Isabel II
  • Who signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau?
    Napoleón and Godoy (Spanish Prime Minister)
  • When did the Spanish War of Independence end?
    In 1814
  • Who was the king of Spain before Fernando VII?
    Carlos IV