
Past Continuous

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  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • You ............... talking on the phone when I came home.
    were talking
    was talking
  • They .............. because they fell off the bike and hurt themselves.
    was crying
    were crying
  • I .............. my homework when you called.
    was doing
    were doing
  • We .................. when you came.
    were dancing
    was dancing
  • She .............. dinner when I saw her.
    was cooking
    were cooking
  • They .............. when I walked past them.
    was whispering
    were whispering
  • I .............. when you got home.
    was eating
    were eating
  • You .............. down the road when I saw you.
    was driving
    were driving
  • He ................breakfast when I got in the kitchen.
    was having
    were having
  • We ................TV when they called us.
    were watching
    was watching
  • It .............. when I bought it.
    were working
    was working
  • I ................ sleeping at 2 a.m.
    were sleeping
    was sleeping
  • The dog ................ in the kitchen.
    was jumping
    were jumping
  • He .................... the garage when I got home.
    were cleaning
    was cleaning
  • You ................. a shower when I woke up.
    were taking
    was taking
  • She ............... cleaning the house.
    was cleaning
    were cleaning