
Complete First for Schools 2nd Ed > U10 revision

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  • I had to call because I ... ask for the appointment online.
    couldn’t / wasn’t able to
  • ... it was cold, I took a scarf.
  • I make sure to ____ things ____, like clothes and shoes, before I buy them.
    try ... on
  • Do you know where Tom is? He hardly ever ... time!
    arrives on
  • Imagine my surprise when one of the pumpkins in my garden ... a carriage!
    turned on
    turned out
    turned out of
    turned into
  • I forgot my wallet at home, but ... with an app on my smart phone.
    managed to pay / was able to pay
  • She was ____ FOR the farm when she ran into an old friend, so they stopped and chatted.
    heading for
  • ____ yourself ___ some pizza if you're hungry. We ordered tons!
    Help yourself to
  • He arrived ... I was leaving.
  • She was pleasantly surprised when some of her colleagues ... unannounced at her office to congratulate her on her promotion and give her a bottle of champagne!
  • She works ... a teacher.
  • I've worked at all different kinds of places, such ... a restaurant, a clothes shop and a marketing firm.
    as (such as = for example)
  • Turn right after you ... the post office.
    reach / get to
  • She wasn’t able ... the shore because of the strong currents.
    to reach / to get to
  • ... the other students, Paul failed the exam.
    Like (similar to)
  • I used a tea towel ... an oven glove and I burnt it!
  • Johnny C___ up W___ the brilliant idea of selling things he no longer uses on Wallapop to make a bit of extra cash.
    came up with (had)
  • He works in a bank, ... his father.
  • They would love to ... to Rome for their honeymoon.
    go / be able to go
  • That was a terrible storm! Thank goodness they ... safe and sound.
    arrived / got there
  • I’ve been trying to reach her all day, but I ... able to because she isn’t answering her phone
    haven’t been / am not able to
  • I didn’t know that some goats ... climb trees
    could / were able to
  • Sophia ... all her homework even though she had much more than usual
    managed to finish / was able to finish
  • My best friend in high school was a terrible singer, but he ... the drums really well.
    could play / was able to play
  • Julie loves mangoes ... much ... I do.
    as ... as
  • Once he's too big for them, they always G___ their son's clothes A____ to their friends, so that their children can take advantage of.
    give ... away
  • “ This is Elm Street. We are now ... our destination. “
    arriving at
  • I love "Spring cleaning"! It's an opportunity to G__ R__ O__ anything that no longer works or has any use.
    get rid of
  • Your perfume smells ... flowers.
  • Paula ... halfway to her car before she realised she didn’t have her keys!
    had got
  • She often plays sports, ... tennis or football.
  • Our train leaves bright and early, so we'll need to ... (LEAVE) by 7am.
    set off (leave the house)
  • Once you finish high school, you ... able to choose if you want to continue studying or start working.
    will be / are going to be
  • I ... to the party right when they started to sing ’Happy Birthday’!
  • She's very much ... her mother.
  • I’m on my way to the cinema. I’ll send you a message when I ... there.
  • When she started studying German in high school, she never dreamt that she would ____ UP living in Germany some day!
    end up