
Corporate Jargon

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  • to touch base
    a quick talk or email for an update on something
  • solo thinking
    trying to solve a problem by yourself
  • Eat a reality sandwich
    Living in reality, facing what is going on around you
  • ball is in your court.
    It's your turn to share your ideas
  • where the rubber meets the road
    the point at which a theory or idea is put to a practical test
  • play hard ball
    to be a tough negotiator
  • the way the cookie crumbles
    the way things work out
  • all hands meeting
    all employees must attend the meeting
  • reinvent the wheel
    Recreating something that already exists, often unnecessarily
  • a dog in this fight
    Having a good chance at success
  • across the pond
    Reference to North American & Europe's position to each other
  • brownie points
    an imaginary reward, for doing good deeds, finding success or earning favour with someone
  • The elephant in the room
    an obvious major problem or issue that people avoid discussing or acknowledging
  • Put a pin in it
    stop talking about something for an undetermined amount of time
  • All due respect
    an expression of disagreement or criticism.
  • barking up the wrong tree
    following the wrong course of action
  • jumping through hoops
    have to use extreme amount of effort to achieve something