
Story Retell Level B

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  • On Saturday, Jada was relaxing at home with her brother because there was no school. She wanted to watch her favorite show on the TV, but her brother was watching something else. Jada was mad because she wanted to watch a really funny carto
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • One time, David was sitting in the doctor’s office because he needed to get some shots. After David waited a long time in the doctor’s office, the doctor came in and quickly gave him a shot in his arm and in his leg with a needle that was b
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • First we chose our seats, then we ordered our popcorn, and finally we went sat down and shut off our phones. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: they are at the movie theater; retell; main idea: going to a movie
  • Tell a story about: something you did last weekend. Use FIRST, NEXT, THEN, LAST
    story details
  • She woke up to no alarm and a dark house. She knew it was a Tuesday and she had to go to school but her light wouldn't turn on. She tried to sleep more but her mom told her she'd miss the bus. WHAT HAPPENED?
    power went out
  • Tell a story about your day at school. Use FIRST, THEN, NEXT, LAST
    tell the story
  • First we grabbed are swimsuit, next my sunscreen, and finally my towel. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: they are going to the beach; retell; main idea: going to the beach
  • I could not wait to see my parents! It had been an entire week and they promised to bring me seashells. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: parents were away on a trip to a beach; retell; main idea: parents went on a vacation
  • Rachel got up early to help make breakfast. Dad wanted eggs and mom and the kids wanted pancakes. She decided to add her favorite chocolate chips to the pancakes as a surprise RETELL
  • Everyone was ready for the game. They put on all their equipment and went to talk to the coach on the field. Jason wasn't there as he couldn't find his helmet. WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING
  • On Sunday, Jenny and her brother were playing a card game in her family room. But, Jenny’s brother won the game because he got the most cards that were matching. Jenny was mad because none of her cards matched. She decided that she wanted t
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • One time, Jose’s family was eating pizza in the kitchen. But, when Jose got his piece of pizza, it had pepperoni all over it. Jose was mad because he didn’t like pizza that had pepperoni on it. Then Jose decided to ask his dad if he could e
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • Yesterday was my birthday and I had a great day. I opened presents, ate cupcakes at school and my family surprised me with my favorite foods for dinner and chocolate cake. RETELL
    retell the story
  • I hid as quietly as I could and hoped my sister could not hear me laughing. Her birthday is not for another week, so I do not think she will suspect a thing. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    prediction: throwing a surprise party; retell; main idea: throwing a surprise birthday party
  • Jake had a ton of homework! First he got a snack then sat down to work on his math. He decided to watch tv, then fell asleep and woke up with no homework done! RETELL
  • Tell a detailed sequence about how to make a sandwich
    all the steps
  • Tell all the steps of getting ready for bed at night
    all the steps
  • Anna did not want to go outside, but Ginger was clearly very excited. it was raining out so Anna put on her raincoat and her rain boots while Ginger. Finally Anna grabbed the leash and out they went. WHO IS GINGER
    she is a dog
  • Yesterday, Maria was shopping at the store with her mom because they needed to buy some food. After they got inside the store, Maria’s mom put bananas in the shopping cart. But, Maria was mad because she didn’t like bananas. Then Maria deci
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • I woke up and could not talk. I felt warm and kept sniffling as I tried to find a tissue. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: they are sick; retell; main idea: getting sick
  • Tell all the steps to getting to school: bus or ride or walk
    all the steps
  • Tell steps to cooking something
    all the steps
  • Susie had been on her feet all night. Finally her shift was over and she counted her tips. and went home to relax. WHAT IS SUSIE'S JOB?
    a waitress
  • Last night, Hannah was walking down to the basement to get a beautiful new doll that she loved to play with. But, when she came down the stairs, Hannah’s big sister was playing with her doll. Hannah was mad because she wanted to play with h
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • The other day, Antonio was happily swimming at a big pool with his brother. But, when it was time to get out of the pool, Antonio did not have his towel because he forgot to bring it. He was sad because he was wet and cold. Then Antonio dec
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • Tell a story about: going to the mall. Use FIRST, NEXT, THEN, LAST
    create a story
  • Amy liked the first pair better but they were a bit uncomfortable. The second pair wasn't as cool but they fit better. She decided to buy them because she'd be wearing them every day. WHAT WERE THEY?
  • Once, Hiro was quickly getting dressed in his bedroom because he was late for school. But, he couldn’t find his nice red shoes anywhere in his messy room. He was sad because he needed the shoes that were red for school. Then Hiro decided to
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • We watched out the window sadly and saw all the mud. It looks like my brother and I won't be needing our new gloves and bats today. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: it is raining so they cannot play baseball; retell; main idea: it is raining outside and the brothers can't play baseball
  • Tell a detailed sequence about how to get ready for school
    all the steps
  • Tell a step by step sequence of getting lunch in the cafeteria
    all the steps
  • I had my suitcase packed, my ticket on the table, and my alarm set. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: they are going on a trip and taking a plane (or transportation that needs a ticket); retell; main idea: going on a trip
  • Dad and I went fishing today. We got up very early, ate oatmeal for breakfast and dad took his coffee in the car. We got some worms and went to the boat. Clouds were forming and when we got in the boat it started to pour. RETELL
  • Yesterday, Megan was having dinner at her house with her friends. After they ate dinner, Megan’s mom brought out a cake that had pretty flowers on it. But, when Megan got a piece of cake, it didn’t have a flower on it. She was sad because s
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • Once, Tyrell was playing at the park with his mom because he wanted to play on a slide. But, when Tyrell quickly came down a slide that was tall, he suddenly landed in a big mud puddle. Tyrell was mad because his clothes were dirty. He deci
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling
  • I got home late and saw a circle of cardboard on the table with red sauce dried to it. There were pieces of cheese on the floor and dirty plates in the sink. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: the family ate pizza and there is none left; retell; main idea: a family ate all the pizza
  • I put my books in the box and grabbed my card to find new books. Once I found my books, I took them up to the desk so I could take them with me. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: they are at the library and are returning books and checking out new books; retell; main idea: going to the library
  • I will never forget to put it on again! My face is all red and peeling and my shoulders have blisters. I think I will stay inside tomorrow. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: they got a sunburn; retell; main idea: forgetting to put on sunscreen
  • My mom told me I could ride my bike there. Even though they are family, I called first to make sure they would be home. We planned to watch the new movie today. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: riding a bike to a cousin/family member's house; retell; main idea: going to family's house to watch a movie
  • My grandma was waiting in the driveway for my sister and I. We picked up our suitcases and gave our parents a hug and told them how much we would miss them. Make a prediction, tell a story, or give the main idea.
    Prediction: going to grandma's house; retell; main idea: going to grandma's house
  • They weren't in her pockets or on the hook by the phone and they weren't in her purse. She checked everywhere she could think of. Now she'll be late for work. WHAT WAS SHE MISSING?
    her keys
  • As soon as Kayla saw the menu she knew what she wanted to drink. She got a steaming cup, tasted the whipped cream and loved her sweet drink. WHAT WAS SHE DRINKING?
    hot chocolate
  • One day, John was riding his bike down a rocky street because he wanted to go to a friend’s house that was far away. But, John accidentally crashed into a rock and cut his knee. John was sad because the cut hurt. When he got up, he decided
    character, setting, problem, feeling, action, ending, end feeling