
BOOK 3 Unit 9

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  • to not accept an offer or request
    Try out
    Run out of
    Get over
    Turn down
  • to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to
    Figure out
    Look through
    Drop off
    Run into
  • to do something again from the beginning, especially because you did it badly the first time
    Do over
    Drop off
    Turn down
    Think over
  • if you hear from someone, they write to you, phone you, email you etc.
    Write down
    Call on
    Look up
    Hear from
  • to stop a piece of equipment working temporarily by pressing a button or by moving a switch
    Turn on
    Try on
    Take off
    Turn off
  • to add information such as your name or address in the empty spaces on an official document
    Fill in
    Hang up
    Put away
    Hand in
  • to consider a problem or decision carefully
    Try on
    Do over
    Figure out
    Think over
  • to officially ask a person or organization to do something
    Pick on
    Look for
    Call up
    Call on
  • to give something to a person in authority
    Look after
    Pick out
    Hand in
    Put away
  • to make a piece of equipment start working by pressing a button or moving a switch
    Turn off
    Turn on
    Try on
    Take off
  • to admire and respect someone
    Look up to
    Look for
    Look up
    Look through
  • to take someone to a place in a car, usually without getting out of the car yourself
    Run into
    Drop off
    Pick out
    Pick up
  • to take something that you have bought back to the shops because it is broken or not suitable
    Try out
    Turn on
    Turn off
    Take back
  • to remove something, especially a piece of clothing
    Take off
    Hang up
    Try on
    Turn off
  • to examine, especially curiously
    Look for
    Look up to
    Look through
    Look up
  • to keep treating someone badly or unfairly, especially by criticizing them
    Pick up
    Drop off
    Pick on
    Pick out
  • To take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything they need
    Look After
    Hand in
    Hang up
    Fill in
  • To choose one thing or person from a group.
    Pick out
    Take off
    Pick up
    Hand in
  • to find a way to solve or deal with a difficult problem
    Look for
    Think over
    Get over
    Pick on
  • to get rid of something that you no longer want, for example by putting it in a dustbin
    Turn off
    Call up
    Take off
    Throw away
  • to try to find a particular piece of information by looking in a book or on a list, or by using a computer
    Look up
    Figure out
    Run into
    Look for
  • resemble a parent or ancestor
    Take after
    Call on
    Hear from
    Look after
  • to lift someone or something up from a surface
    Pick out
    Throw away
    Put on
    Pick up
  • to put on a piece of clothing in order to see how it looks and whether it fits
    Try on
    Take off
    Put on
    Try out
  • to be able to understand something or to solve a problem
    Find out
    Do over
    Figure out
    Think over
  • To write something on a piece of paper
    Take off
    Take down
    Turn on
    Write down
  • to put something in the place where you usually keep it when you are not using it
    Take off
    Pick out
    Put away
    Pick up
  • To use all of a supply of something
    Do over
    Use up
    Turn down
    Look after
  • to search for someone or something
    Look out
    Look for
    Look through
  • have a harmonious or friendly relationship
    Look after
    Get along with
    Take after
    Call on
  • to use all of something and not have any left
    Do over
    Get over
    Run out of
    Think over