
Expressions with TIME

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  • I couldn't answer the last question because I _______ _______ _______ time.
    ran out of
  • The film had already started _______ _______ time we got to the cinema.
    by the
  • We can walk through the park to _______ time.
  • We arrived just _______ time to catch the train - it left 20 seconds after we boarded!
  • _______ _______ _______ time, there was a beautiful princess.
    Once upon a
  • Most teenagers haven't seen Titanic, because it was _______ _______ time.
    before their
  • _______ time last year, we were in Barcelona on a school trip.
  • I'd love to have some time _______ work so I could go on holiday.
  • Don't _______ _______ time trying to get him to listen, he's so stubborn that he'll never change his mind.
    waste your
  • I'm going to keep my old car _______ _______ time _______, until I can afford a new one.
    for the / being
  • Our trip to Paris was amazing, we had the time _______ _______ _______!
    of our lives
  • Our flight was delayed for six hours, so we played games to _______ time.
  • Sorry, I can't help you, I'm a bit _______ _______ time.
    short on
  • The report isn't due until next month, so you can _______ _______ time to really think about it.
    take your
  • Could you _______ _______ time to give me a hand?
    spare the
  • It's _______ time you got a job, you're 32 and you have never worked!
  • My parents are _______ _______ _______ _______ time because my exam results have been really poor recently.
    giving me a hard
  • Don't try to read all these books at once, it's better to read one _______ _______ time.
    at a
  • Jack is never _______ time, he's always late for one reason or another!
  • We don't know if Emily will like her new school, only time _______ _______ .
    will tell
  • I only see my cousins _______ _______ _______ time.
    from time to
  • My dad recently retired, and now he's got a lot of time _______ _______ _______ .
    on his hands
  • OK, time's _______, that's the end of your test.
  • They're always arguing, it's only _______ _______ _______ time before they split up.
    a matter of