
7.5 - INT

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  • who says this: "sorry, sir. I thought we had to hand in our homework tomorrow"
  • training or preparing one for a job or a certain skill: a _______________ school for carpentry.
    vocational training
  • who says this: "come on! together we can win this game!"
  • to make a high, clear sound by forcing the breath through stretched lips or through the teeth: He _________ a happy tune.
  • to _________ a student from a college. >> to cut off from membership or relations:
    to expel
  • a person hired by the day to play a minor part, as a member of a mob or crowd.
    an extra
  • to __________ for an exam (to study for the exam)
  • the group of people listening to or viewing a public event.
  • to strike the palms of (one's hands) together : to strike the palms of (one's hands) together
    to clap
  • a school or institution of higher education that grants a bachelor's degree:
    a college
  • I live in _________ surrounded by fields
  • a book, play, etc., that continues the story from a preceding work. the second book or movie
    a sequel
  • I don't like ___________ as I get scared very easily
  • a narrow walk or way that leads to a house
    a path
  • a critical article, as in a periodical, about a book, play, etc.
    a review
  • the sound recorded on a film, esp. music or voices.
    the soundtrack
  • to __________ an exam
    to take / to sit
  • person who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study at a university, college, or school.
    a graduate
  • a structure containing a passage by which the smoke is carried off a house
  • who says this: "I have a meeting in the office with my manager at 6.00"
  • the group of performers in a play, the actors
    the cast
  • who says this: "Ian, can I borrow your pen? I forgot to write my name on my homework"
  • a school at which the pupils receive meals and lodging as well as an education
    a boarding school
  • to gaze or look at deeply, intently, etc., esp. with the eyes wide open: he ________________ at her for a long time
  • a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. // also found in airports
    a gate
  • who says this: " Please finish this report for me by tomorrow morning"
    the boss
  • who says this: "We still need to send out the wedding invitations"
  • to make a slight, quick bending movement of the head, as in agreement, greeting, or command: He __________ his head in approval.
    to nod
  • I live on the __________ of Oxford, about 5 miles from the centre
  • the main story of a piece of writing, as a novel or movie: The _______ is interesting but the characters are boring.
  • who says this: "Let's look at this together; I can give you some ideas"