
ADV 2 - 2nd partial Exam Review

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  • Most students expressed that due to the lack of sleep on school days, they tend to crash on the school’s couches.
    Word choice: Crash [slang language]
  • Representation of persons of color in leadership positions remains disproportionately low in many industries.
    Biased language
  • What is qualitative research?
  • Parallel or not? Recommended exercise includes running, swimming, and cycling.
  • Parallel or not? Scientists and meteorologists are currently studying storms and trying to find better ways of predicting them.
  • Section of research paper which contains the research design,participants and instrument used in the study.
  • Parallel or not? To go to school, to ride a bike, and spending time with friends were little things enjoyed.
    Not parallel
  • He has been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play sports.
    Word choice: asthmatic [biased language] (in academic writing, you cannot say that a person IS the illness)
  • What is cross-referencing?
  • Direct question: Does Jen eat meat?
    Embedded question: I'm not sure whether Jen eats meat or not.
  • What is quantitative research?
  • Timmy said the UFO he spotted was oblong in shape.
    In shape (Wordiness)
  • Name 3 instruments for data collection
    surveys, questionnaires, interviews, games, observations, etc
  • The other entries were returned back to their owners.
    Word choice: Returned back (redundancy)
  • Parallel structure: Researchers studied the effects of sleep on memory and how it impacts concentration.
    Not parallel
  • What is the sample selection?
  • Parallel or not: There are two ways to get a promotion: working hard or make friends in high places.
    Not parallel
  • Two examples of close-ended questions
    multiple choice, multiple answers, scaled answers, etc.