
citizenship 9

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  • Name the three branches of government.
    Judicial, Legislative, Executive
  • Who does a US senator represent?
    All people of the state
  • What is another name for the branch of government that Congress is a part of?
    Legislative Branch
  • We elect a US President for how many years?
    4 years
  • Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?
    The President
  • We elect a US representative for how many years?
    2 years
  • Why do some states have more representatives than others?
    Some states have more people
  • What are the two parts of Congress?
    Senate and House of Representatives
  • Who is one of your state's US senators?
    Chuck Schumer or Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Name your US representative.
    Brian Higgins
  • If the president can no longer serve, who becomes President?
    Vice President
  • What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
    Mike Pence
  • n400: Are you currently employed? If yes, who is your current employer?
    Answers Vary
  • The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  • n400: What does "race" mean? What is your race?
    Belonging to a group based on physical traits such as skin color
  • Who are the candidates for the 2020 presidential election?
    Joe Biden and Donald Trump
  • How many US senators are there?
  • n400: What does "ethnicity" mean? What is your ethnicity?
    Ethnicity: Belonging to a social or cultural group
  • Who is commander in chief of the military?
    The President
  • n400: What does "current" mean?
  • We elect a US senator for how many years?
    6 years
  • n400: Have you taken any trips outside of the US during the last 5 years? Where did you go?
    Answers vary
  • What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives?
    Nancy Pelosi
  • What does the President's cabinet do?
    Advises the President
  • n400: Where else have you worked since you become a permanent resident?
    Answers vary