
'Who' and 'where' relative clauses

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  • beach
    A place where you can ...
  • cinema
    A place where you can ...
  • A person who looks at teeth everyday.
    a dentist
  • teacher
    A person who...
  • A place with a lot of trees and some rivers and waterfalls.
    the forest
  • A place where you can go ice skating.
    a lake
  • A place where you can learn to swim.
    a swimming pool
  • A person who paints and draws pictures.
    an artist
  • A place where you mustn't roller skate.
    the road
  • school
    A place where you can ...
  • dancer
    A person who ...
  • farmer
    A person who ...
  • A place where you can climb rocks.
    the mountains
  • swimmer
    A person who ...
  • A place where you can learn to sail.
    the sea / ocean
  • A person who sings songs and plays the guitar.
    a singer / musician
  • A person who works in a hospital.
    a nurse
  • A person who looks for clues.
    a detective
  • cafe
    A place where you can ...
  • A place where you can learn to ride a bike.
    a park
  • river
    A place where you can ...