
3rd Grade Ohio's State Test (OST) Prep Vocabular ...

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  • What is it called when you figure out what's happening using what your see and know?
  • What is the word for making something easier to understand?
    Try your best on the test
  • Find the correct sentence
    the dog quicklee buried his bone in the ground
    The dog quickly buried His bone in the grownd.
    The Dog Quickly Buried His Bone In The Ground.
    The dog quickly buried his bone in the ground.
  • What is the term for "telling the meaning of a word"?
  • What is the main idea?
    The most important ideas in the text
    What the author is trying to teach you about
    The theme of the text
    What the text is mostly about
  • What should you always include in your writing on the AIR test?
    Details and evidence from the text
    More than one paragraph - at least 4
    An introduction paragraph
    A conclusion paragraph
  • Which word has a suffix below?
  • What does cite mean?
    To write words from the text to support your answer
    To try your best on the test
    To look at something closely
    To visit a new place with a friend
  • What does it mean to contrast?
    List the adjectives about the 2 or more items
    Tell about the items in a nice story
    Tell how the 2 or more items are different
    Tell how the 2 or more items are the same
  • What does analyze mean?
    To order something from the menu
    To study something closely or carefully
    To try your best on the test
    To circle the right answer
  • What do you do when you compare 2 or more things?
    List all the adjectives describing the items
    List all the nouns you can see right now
    List all of the ways the items are different
    List all of the ways the items are the same
  • Which word means to prove or show that it's right?
    Main Idea
  • Where does a prefix go on a word?
    All mixed up inside the word
    In the middle of a word
    At the end of a word
    At the beginning of a word
  • Do you understand that this test is VERY important and you need to try your very best??
    Yes - I am going to take this test VERY seriously!!
    Yes - I am going to ROCK THIS TEST!!
  • What is evidence?
    Pieces of information or proof from the text
    Proving your answer is right using words from the text
    Something you should always include in your answers
    Using words from the text in your answers