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  • TS: "The legalization of marijuana has led to shifts in criminal justice policies, changes in public perception, and economic impacts where it has been implemented."
  • Where do the topic sentences must be placed?
    At the beginning of each paragraph
  • T o F: New information can be included in the conclusion.
    FALSE  >:|
  • This is the main part of your essay that comes in between the introduction and conclusion. Often 3 paragraphs long, it is referred to as the ______ of your essay.
  • The beginning of an essay states what the rest of it will be about, what is the first paragraph called?
    The introduction.
  • TS: "Technology has changed the way we live."
    too broad
  • type of introduction that opens with few sentences summarizing a point of view that is actually the opposite of the writer's own thesis.
    turnabout introduction
  • What is the topic sentence?
    The main idea of the paragraph
  • Where does the thesis statement must be placed?
    At the end of the introduction paragraph
  • What is the number of paragraphs found in a standard essay?
  • What is the thesis statement?
    The main idea of the essay
  • rethorical questions, quotes and anecdotes are examples of...
  • Where do you place a hook?
    at the top of the introduction
  • "This paper will discuss the benefits of renewable energy sources."
    announcing the topic
  • Type of introduction that begins with general statements that provide context for topic and ends with your thesis.
    funnel introduction
  • TS: "This paper will explore the effects of climate change on coastal communities."
    announcing the topic
  • Which is NOT a main part of the essay structure? A) Proofreading errors B) Introduction C) Body of Essay D) Conclusion
    A) Proofreading errors
  • What are these called? however, first, lastly, furthermore
  • TS: The rise of social media has impacted communication by facilitating connections, fostering virtual communities, and reshaping language norms."
  • What is the last paragraph in an essay called?
  • TS: "Is solar energy an effective alternative to fossil fuels?"
    It's a question