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  • a) I forgot to turn the lights off. b) It's a good idea to ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I have only six weeks to live. b) Why don't you ...?
    Students' own answer.
  • a) My dog is sick. b) Why don't you ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I have a toothache. b) It's a good idea to ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) He's fat. b) He needs to ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I'm broke. b) You should ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I have a history test tomorrow. b) You need to ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I'm depressed. b) Why don't you ...?
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I'm travelling to Egypt next week. b) Well, it's a good idea to ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) My car broke down on the motorway. What should I do? b) You should...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I can't sleep at night. b) You shouldn't ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I have a headache. b) Verb ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) The weather is hot and sunny. Do you want to ...?
    Students' own answer.
  • a) It's cold outside. Don't forget to...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) Chris doesn't study for exams. b) He could ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) Someone stole my wallet. b) You need to...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I rarely walk my dog. b) You should ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) He eats two hamburgers a day. b) He should ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I'm thirsty. b) Verb ...
    Students' own answer.
  • Should I work more?
    No, you shouldn't.
  • a) My English isn't very good. b) Verb ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I failed my English exam. b) Do you want to ...?
    Students' own answer.
  • a) I'm going on vacation to Paris. b) Don't forget to ...
    Students' own answer.
  • a) My sister is hungry .b) You could ...
    Students' own answer.