
Anger Management

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  • DC or Marvel - Storm
  • Which Zone am I in when I am out of control and what strategies can I use?
    Red Zone - Take a Break, Take Deep Breaths, Go for a Walk
  • DC or Marvel - Aquaman
  • How can I let someone know that I am becoming upset before I get out of control?
    Ask them to stop, tell them you need a break, take a deep breath and think before speaking
  • DC or Marvel - Spiderman
  • What movie franchise is famous for the saying, "May the Force be with You"?
    Star Wars
  • DC or Marvel - Black Panther
  • What are some warning signs that I am getting angry?
    Feeling tense, Heart Beats Faster, Thoughts are racing, Saying mean things
  • True or False - Using humor helps relieve anger
    True - sometimes it helps just to laugh
  • What are some of my triggers for when I become frustrated or angry?
    Various answers
  • Have you ever said or done something out of anger that you regret later?
    Open ended question - various answers
  • What is your favorite holiday?
    Various answers
  • DC or Marvel - Wonder Woman
  • True of False - Anger is a normal emotion
    True - When something upsets you, it is normal to get upset or feel anger
  • DC or Marvel - Batman
  • What are some strategies I can use when I am starting to feel frustrated or angry?
    Take a break, Take Deep Breaths, Talk to someone, Exercise
  • DC or Marvel - Stan Lee
  • Which Zone am I in when I am starting to feel out of control and what strategies can I use?
    Yellow Zone - Ask to take a break, Take deep breaths, Go for a walk