
Follow directions scavenger hunt style

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  • Find something that makes a noise, then ask everyone to listen.
    I found a ___ that makes a noise.
  • Tell what you like to do when you are not in school, then find something with pictures.
    I like to...
  • Tell everyone your name, then find something that is pink.
    ___ is a shape.
  • Find something made of plastic, then count the people in the room.
    There are __ people in the room.
  • Find something hard and then knock on it
    I knocked on...
  • Find something that is blue, then share what your favorite time of the year is and why.
    My favorite time of the year is...
  • Greet a teacher, then find something fun.
    I found...
  • Find someone who helps you do schoolwork, then thank them.
    ___ helps me do schoolwork because...
  • First say hello, then find something soft
    I found...
  • Ask a question about hobbies, then find something that has numbers.
    I asked...