
Adv Speaking questions with grammar tasks

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  • Talk about your school. What subjects do you enjoy the most/ the least? (mention lower/middle/high school/ excell at/ focus on)
  • Do you keep a helathy diet? Talk about your eating habits. (use all conditionals: IF)
  • Do you like spending time with your family? What do you usually do together ? (use frequency adverbs: hardly ever, rarely, seldom, usually and often)
  • Name 5 events you remember using extreme adjectives (For example... I saw a very small cat or I saw a tiny cat)
  • Do you have any hobbies? What are you good at? (list 10 hobbies or sports)
  • What kind of music do you enjoy the most? Is music important in your life? Give a general topic sentence related to music
  • What kind of job would you like to have in the future? (use will vs. going to)
  • Would you prefer to live in your own country or in another country? (use conditional wish)
  • What characteristics do you admire most in a friend? (use 5 adjectives)
  • What are your daily chores at home? What do you hate doing? (give 5 synonyms of like and/ or hate)
  • Do you like shopping for clothes? Do you prefer online or in-store shopping? (talk 1 minute about post~pandemic effects)
  • Can you describe your house or flat? Which is your favourite room? (name all rooms in your house)
  • Do you like learning English? Why is learling a foreign language so important? Make a 3 sentence introduction about this topic (attention grabber/general statement/your opinion)
  • Do you have a favourite relative? What is he/she like? (name relatives of family tree)
  • What is your favourite holiday destination? (use present perfect vs. past)
  • What are you looking forward to? Talk about your hopes and dreams. (use 5 linkers)