
First and Second Conditionals affirmative & ques ...

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • your friends crash your car (+)
    If my friends crashed... I would...
  • someone steals your wallet (+)
    If someone stole my wallet, I'd...
  • you see a snake in your bathroom (+)
    If I saw a snake, I would...
  • you're very busy next week (+-)
    If I am very busy... I won't...
  • you can travel anywhere right now (?)
    Where would you go if you could travel anywhere right now?
  • your dog eats your homework (+)
    If my dog ate... I would...
  • you win the lottery (?)
    What would you buy/do if you won the lottery?
  • a shopkeeper gives you too much change (+)
    If a shopkeeper gave me... I would...
  • it rains today (+,-)
    If it rains today... I won't...
  • you start watching a new TV series (?)
    If you start watching... what will you watch?
  • your friends call you to go out on Saturday (?)
    What will you do if your friends call you to go out on Saturday?
  • you find a gold watch on the floor (+)
    If I found... I would...
  • you are invisible for a day (+)
    If I were... I would...
  • an alien spaceship lands in your garden (?)
    What would you do if an alien spaceship landed in your garden?
  • you can't go to the gym (?)
    What will you do if you can't go to the gym?
  • an earthquake destroys your house (?)
    What would you do if an earthquake destroyed your house?
  • you get lost in the desert (?)
    What would you do if you got lost in the desert?
  • you fail your next English (?)
    What will you do/How will you feel if you fail your next English test?
  • the world ends next week (+)
    If the world ended... I would...