
Vertebrates and Invertebrates

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  • This group of vertebrates live in land or in water, have four or no legs at all, mostly covered in scales, and oviparous.
  • True or False: Echinoderms live on land.
    False. Echinoderms live in the water.
  • The bodies of worms are divided into _________.
  • This invertebrate group can live in land and in water and have bodies divided into rings.
  • What are the invertebrates?
    animals that have no backbone and an internal bone skeleton.
  • These animals live in land or in water, have their internal organs protected by a mantle, and sometimes have shell and foot to help them move. ex. snail
  • This invertebrate group live in water and have tentacles that sometimes sting!
  • Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
    vertebrate - reptiles
  • Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
    invertebrate - arthropods
  • Where do mammals live?
    in land or water
  • True or False: Mammals lay eggs.
    False. Mammals are viviparous.
  • These type of invertebrates live in land or in water, are covered with armour plates, have different number of legs, and sometimes can fly.
  • The _______ of cnidarians are long, flexible, and sometimes sting
  • This invertebrate group have bodies covered in armour plate, have spines, and often shaped like a star or ball.
  • This group of vertebrates have fins and their bodies are covered in scales.
  • Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
    invertebrate - molluscs
  • Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate? (which group?)
    vertebrate - mammals
  • This group of vertebrates have feathers and wings, and are oviparous.
  • True or False: All vertebrates live on land.
    False. Fishes and some mammals and reptiles can live also in water.
  • What are the vertebrates?
    animals that have backbone, an internal bone skeleton, skull, and trunk.
  • This group of vertebrates are land animals but live close to water, have thin skin, and oviparous.