
Roadmap C1 (Peekaboo)

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  • I'm saying something that might make you feel uncomfortable, but it's true.
    To be perfectly honest
  • to provide the official name for something
    to give them their proper title
  • To warn that what you're about to say will not be softened in any way
    to put it bluntly
  • to point out that you’re using delicate language, although you want to say something stronger
    to put it mildly
  • to admit that you're going to say something that the listener/reader probably already knows
    Needless to say
  • First of all
    To begin with
  • This made a bad situation even worse, maybe even more painful
    to add insult to injury
  • I'm not going to explain all the details between the beginning and the ending.
    to cut a long story short
  • to admit that your statement might contradict your previous argument
    To be sure
  • On top of everything else
    to cap it all
  • to clarify something you just said
    to be more precise
  • this made a bad situation even worse.
    to make matters worse
  • I'm just listing a few examples, but there are many more that I could list.
    to name but a few
  • what you are about to say may sound unpleasant, unkind, or critical - maybe even a little 'spiky'
    not to put too fine a point on it