
True or False: Uses of Present Simple and Presen ...

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  • Is this sentence correct? "I play football on Tuesdays."
    It's correct!
  • Is this sentence correct? "She is going to the cinema after school."
    It's correct!
  • Is this sentence correct? "He is liking pizza."
    Uh.. No! How can we correct it?
  • True or False? We use the present simple tense to talk about habits or things we do often.
    True! Can you give an example?
  • Is this sentence correct? "I are watching a movie."
    It's wrong :( How can we correct?
  • True or False? We use present simple to talk about things that are happening right now or will happen in the near future.
    False! We use present continuous. Can you give an example?
  • Is this sentence correct? "Every weekend, I am going to dance class."
    Wrong! How can we correct this?
  • True or False? We can use present continuous with words like "want, love, hate, feel, know"
    False! We can't use present continuous with "state" verbs. Can you give an example in the present simple?
  • True or False? We use present simple to talk about our preferences or things we like.
    True! Can you give an example?
  • True or False? We use present continuous to talk about things that are happening now or in the near future.
    True! Can you give an example?
  • Is this sentence correct? "I love shopping."
    It's correct!